Strongest Bowling Ball of 2024? | Max Hook Unleashed!
- Опубликовано: 28 мар 2025
- Brad and Kyle review the brand new Storm Ion Max.
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You want to learn how to bowl from ttwo of the BEST bowlers in the world? Brad and Kyle have been showing behind the scenes footage of the PBA and professional bowling tournaments. We have instructional bowling videos that have helped millions of bowlers level up their games and throw more strikes! You can follow our bowling careers and learn how to hook a bowling ball.
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I love these kinds of videos when you guys not only give your opinions on new bowling balls, but you make a friendly competition out of it. Looking forward to more entertaining content from you guys. You're the best!
Man, its already very fun watching you two bowl, but with how eye catching the Ion Max is, just makes it that much better
Threw this at the matchmaker at my home house. I worked really well for me. Wanted a dull ball that was stronger than my Clone. Was thinking Gem, but I think this ball is going to be more versatile for me. Threw it on the 2022 PBA masters 44' pattern. Ball had a standard layout and was a touch weak, which will change with a stronger layout which I planned on doing to put some space in between it and my standard pin Clone. Should have it in my hands before the first week of PBA League which will be on the same pattern.
Shout out for the Critical Theory reference!!! I loved that ball. It's one of my all time FAVORITE balls.
I just purchased a purple ion and absolutely love it. I had no idea that it would smell like grapes.
Looks like the original Crux (except the logo didn't have pink lettering). This ball is like Berry Milkshake scent... It's great!
Sour apple into an Apple Pie, where did that come from Kyle lol
Kyle is matching up so well with this ball
Lmao! When Brad laughed out that stone 8 I was cracking up. I’m with Kyle on that ion pro. It just doesn’t match up to my game. I can never tell if it’s gonna shape or not. To be honest I’ve not adjusted the surface. Probably play with it today. I almost bought the max but nope. I ended up getting the mesmerize. That thing is a hook monster and friction response wrecker. Great vid guys.
5:39 2 pin sent to concussion protocol
Went full Jackie Chan on that pin 😆
Reminds me of the Proton Physix but I think NRG is cleaner than NEX. Core numbers are similar-ish (2.47 vs 2.48, 0.55 vs 0.53, 0.14 vs 0.17).
NRG is smoother than NEX. Wouldn’t say cleaner, probably pick up about the same area, however NRG seems to be more rounded and NEX more directional.
not starring at your bottom or anything.... but Kyle.... you missed a belt loop. love the way you throw it.
Already got one reserved. Can't wait.
7:21 gotta love that Kyle realized that his joke was very corny 😂
Love my ion pro. Perhaps I'll have to get the max too!
Damn Kyle with the tree trunks
I need this ball😮
Thanks for the tips guys! where can you find the Jerseys you guys are sporting?
H5G does all of our Jerseys and you can find selections on the Brad & Kyle website!
I think the missing belt loop was the true cause of any misses
This ball shape is kinda why I started drifting away from things like the Gem. Clearly not the same caliber in terms of strength or core but it's got that lower versatility motion. Probably good for a bit of fresh then right to something else.
I’m a pretty recent 2-handed bowler and I do a hop step and a slide and my highest score has been 95 and I’m trying to break 100 I avg around like almost 70 and have a blue ebonite cyclone any advice to break 100?
Compared to my harsh reality, what are the differences between these two balls
LOVE BRAD AND KYLE, ...................................ION MAX is more hype, than it is ball, same as Gem, Harsh Reality, Reality, Archetype solid, 3.0 black widow, Proton Physix with new cover and core and slightly different ball motion, as each one of ball mentioned has slightly different roll than the others
High performance huge hook flashy new ball. Even the label sparkles. 400RPM….. pocket 5
Love it
The ball is 5% of the game. Get coaching. Quality lessons are better than 20 bags full of balls.
That being said - I love this ball. Anything with pink is awesome - going back to the OG pink hammer in the 1900’s
The correct term is Deuce.
I think Kyle wearing brads shorts and brad in Kyle's.
What does blowing in the thumb hole do?
@@dueljet what does it do
@@GabbyWassenberg-hx7vq I am asking, not trying to tell a joke. Do you know?
@@dueljet it is from the temperature of the ball
It makes the thumb tacky
Another good reason to NOT put your thumb in the ball!! 🚫 👎 🚫 👍
You guys should play a game of bowling HORSE where you have to math each other, leaving single pins on the rack, 5 pin, 9 pin, 10 pin... etc.
Not trying to sound creepy or anything, but Kyle, exactly what shorts are you wearing? They look great.
Didn’t Brad win? Struck after Kyle’s 10 pin and then struck with the ipro
I got me the pro should be her Thursday
Just curious ! What weight ball do both of you use ?
Most likely 15lbs. That’s kinda the standard for male professional bowlers.
@@Seanph25 I thought that most pros did 15lbs ! I bowled with 15 up until I had a leg issue and had to drop to a 14lb !
@@juliagronroos76 that’s completely understandable, and there are some that use 14lbs it’s just less common. It can be kind of tricky sometimes because once you go below the 14lb balls the cores become more generic and generate less performance, so if the 15lb is too heavy you can’t go too light without sacrificing some performance. But 14lb balls are more than capable of doing anything you need, pro or otherwise.
@@Seanph25 I agree ! I did have to adjust my game to 14lb , but still held my 189 average until I stopped bowling do to other health issues ! I still love the game though .
@@Seanph25I heard a lot of pros are moving to 14 pounds
I was thinking, "Why make a super strong ball and use cotton candy cupcake colors?" Then kyle says,"It looks like cotton candy, " lol.
They're using more visible tricolor patterns bc it makes low rev league bowlers feel like they're getting more rotation.
gotta upgrade the iphone 8
I wanna know how Kyle feels about the gem getting discontinued. Im personally pretty sad, that ball is a beast!!!
Talking with serious bowlers I've competed with, I would say 85% absolutely hated that ball and 15% loved it. Hard to tell whether there were manufacturing inconsistencies (because everyone I've talked to has given it different performance reviews) or if it only matches up with a certain style of bowler, but it definitely did not have mass appeal
@@tmtmtlsml I love my gem it’s a great option for when my pitch black isn’t grabbing the lanes or when I need to control the flood but I have 635 revs and 20 mph normally so I have a lot more success with it than some people who have lower revs and ball speed
The reason why the term "Buzzard" isn't well known today is because you guys don't usually have 3 opens in a row. Which is a good thing.
Hey what is your highest score for bowling mine is 169
They both have 300s.
My average is one twenty five
Crux prime
Not Kyle with the Packy slap on a messenger??!!?!?
Why are all the balls so strong the majority of us aren't bowling on pba or sport pattern need more weak balls for these dry house shots
Plenty of options for house shot
Great for somebody who has low revs and a lot of speed. Blend the cliff on house shot.
Problem is alot of rotation and can't get the speed up anymore after falling and dislocating my shoulder a couple years ago by game 3 of league I usually have to throw my plastic spare ball. I also have an old amf xs bone from 1997 and it is even to strong
They're still producing the Phaze II for a reason.
The majority of league bowlers are sub 300 rev rate
A better beach ball than the motiv
I love both of you guys. But watching this ball review, I honestly didn't like the way this ball shapes. Didn't love the bubble gum look, and definitely didn't like how this ball shaped. I know that both of you throw the ball 1000 times better than I can. So, if I didn't think the ball worked all that well for you guys, it's sure not gonna work for me. Good review as always.
Some wild things to consider;
Jared and Steven definitely say how nobody will know or care what or that you shot at a particular aperture or iso, etc. A great image will speak for itself.
And we know that a professional can make better photos with a $300 camera than your average Joe can make with a z9 and the most expensive glass...
So, we're talking pixel peeping MAYBE differences in sharpness and contrast between the two lenses here.. I have to say it. Fuck spending $2500 on a gold ring nikon lens.. The Tamron can and WILL deliver award winning photos in the right hands. And NOBODY WILL KNOW THE DIFFERENCE.
Tamron g2 lenses are incredible and built like tanks. Get the two Tammy's for the price of one Nikon, and profit.
Also, look how much better the Tammy looks on the camera.
Up and coming photogtaphers.. Lol.
Funny, New release balls are always the strongest balls! 😁
As technology improves, it makes sense that ball performance limits would be pushed.
That being said, marketing teams are going to do what they do, and this definitely doesn't seem like the most aggressive ball ever produced.
I’m still throwing my critical theory. And I agree with Brad on that statement
To be honest, it looks like more crux prime to me
Neopolitan ice cream ball!!
until dec when they come out with another one lol
Hey hey hey, shim wreck every day
Is Kyle fouling every shot? sure looks like it from the camera angle
Most definitely
No he’s just getting really close to the line
I don't think you know how scoring in tennis works. lol.
I can never figure out why, with the number of views, likes aren’t in at least the 20% range.
It's good to see some real bowling...none of that two-finger two-hand goofy crap! USBC you should ban two hand bowling!