Primordial Malzeno confronts Gaismagorm in Sunbreak's TRUE ending!
- Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
- The Kingdom is under siege from Gaismagorm and his cohort of Quirios once more. Primordial Malzeno steps up to the battlefield to conclude the final chapter in Sunbreak of the Monster Hunterverse!
Hazard Primordial Malzeno (原初を刻むメル・ゼナ) VS Full Power Gaismagorm (ガイアデルム) Turf War Deathmatch - Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
All Monsters have lowered HP (keep fight length reasonable).
All other stats are all based on default values provided by Capcom
We also take no responsibility for any unusual A.I behaviour, as these are variables we cannot adjust.
These fights are not to be taken seriously and are not based on Monster Hunter Lore, I simply make them for people to watch and enjoy.
Music and Attribution:
All credit goes to Capcom for the following:
Gaismagorm Theme Monster Hunter Rise
Proof of Hero Sunbreak version
Monster Hunter Malzeno Sunbreak Ver. Theme
Sunbreak Quest Victory Monster Hunter Rise ver.
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You should have put tree crown without a ruler with lycris in this
This I a legendary video
@Mario Chapa thanks, I was going for something like that; depicting a battle of legends
@@MonsterSlayerSquad continue the good videos my friend
Hey mss I was looking through the sapphire star playlist and there are so many cool fights there. Do you think you could release them someday because idk if $300 is worth it😅
I love the sync between Malzeno's final attack and the sky getting clear, it's like he's the one bringing back the light
@John Wayne In it's dying moments priomordial malzeno releases all quirios at once, defeating Gais and saving the kingdom.
@@MonsterSlayerSquad*random noob* : nope, i saved the kingdom :o
It's trying to dramatically re-create the "Clouds will part, the sun will shine, everlasting shadow be gone" line
Gaisma: "You cannot change... you will always be a monster..."
Primordial: "Yes. But i am your monster no longer."
@SaltyZumwalt exactly that as he finished him off
“And I will never be your monster again”
“Because you WILL perish”
Gaisma: **About to die** Tell me, warrior... Have you nothing to say to... Your creator... Before you strike him down?!
Primalzeno: **Delivers final stab with wing** No.
I wanna see gaismagorm fight another gaisma like a sarcastic fringehead
I guess this would be a pretty accurate depiction of their first fight as well. Malzeno repels Gaismagorm but Gaisma's Qurio infect the Malzeno in end the as his "parting shot".
it feels like a cycle of life between the two species
15:32 the moment that saved Malzeno’s life
@E Y Malzeno saw through Gaismagorms plans and saved himself a lot of damage
@@MonsterSlayerSquadI think it happened often.
I was like "oh no, the AI would just walk throught and take the whole damage" and then Malzeno somehow stayed away
Well, primordial malzeno is a version that broke out of both gaismagorns and the quirios metaphorical chains.
Now that I think of it, Prim Mal really brings a whole new meaning to swapping a build mid fight.
Remember Ahtal-Ka being the first to use wirebug and then Mh Rise happens.
Now Primal swapping build its like wilds swapping weapon mid fight since the trailer
@SeddyAm you my sir might be on to something..
Rest now, you old knight. You’ve slayed Giasmagorm, you’ve earned it.
Now that I think about it, the match between Risen Shagaru and Primordial Malzeno earlier was rather poetic considering that Gaisma, just like with Gogma, is probably close to the Magala in the Linneaus system of classification (Dragons with wings that still retains arm-like functions, including digits and even opposable thumbs). It seems that whatever super-family these dragons are, they always have a weird natural symbiosis with illicit pathogen or substance that are highly volatile and cause notable destruction to human civilization in the past (if you can call stealing a Dragonator that).
One dragon rises into golden gloriousness
One falls into a darkened abyss corrupting their shining silver hide.
@Hans Alanson thats interesting, now i really want gog back
The 6 limb dragons basically. Funny how all of them are dark gloomy and brings destruction.
@@somedude2468 there is another one from explore it is nuts. Morudomunto
it attacks with a blood like substance it has that turns into sharpened spikes.
@@_Tzer and that dude can literally EAT you with its wings, he has mouths in both of their wings that are literally capable of eating you, it's really bizarre but cool at the same time
I was actually cheering for Primordial Malzeno .
Everyone was lol
@Mr. Nargacuga the poll would suggest so as well 😅
The scary thing about Primordial Malzeno is, that it gets progressively stronger and crazier the longer the fight goes on, which gave it the advantage it needed at the end to win. Its biggest weakness is the Resisting bit where its lying on the ground for a few seconds after doing its massive combo attack. Gaismagorm also performed pretty well but that was to be expected.
thats what I love about primzeno; its never over till the very end
I can just imagine he’s forcing the Qurio to fight for him. So those bits where he’s struggling for control, He’s using SHEER WILLPOWER to keep them from fully taking his mind, in order to finish the fight!
@@AfroXaolin2023 Actually he is killing the Qurio when he fights! Pushing himself to the very limits to drain their power.
@@rohanthomas6629 Oh shit, that is so much more badass….
@@AfroXaolin2023 That is why his attacks are so different, and weird. He is trying to kill them, overcome them, and push them to their very limits.
Btw Primordial Malzeno are just old species of Malzeno. That is why he has extra parts.
Normal Malzeno could have possibly had weapon wings like Primordial, but because of being drained by the Quirio for over 50 yrs, it could have become skinnier.
We just have to wait and see when the Dive Into Sunbreak Book comes out.
Imagine if they implemented a secret hidden turf war animation for these two
The amount of times Primalzeno actually dodged Gaismagorm's attacks
Yeah primordial malzeno almost died before gaismargorm's final blow
If primodial malzeno starts with bloodlust stage like giasmagrom?
@Dragonbournee Sometimes being small and quick has it's advantages.
HOLD UP! “Prim”ordial-malzeno primalzeno.
That is a good word play.
Or Gias missing, but that's okay, right? I mean.... I already know nobody actually cares rather if it's not accurate ( like anybody that has a small enough brain to defend this channel)( but it's all for entertainment, right? Who cares if someone is controlling RNG, aggro , movesets, behavior and stats, right? You don't have to try so hard anymore people woohoo 😂.... reminds me of the government..... all these likes towards these manipulative vids don't deserve this and should just go away forever... it includes one of many problems with earth/ humans... but I digress since there's no point in explaining or trying. It's proven you people will always be effortless and/ foolish) *cough* ......... Ted talk I'm out now and done with this manipulative @$$ team.
And THAT'S for the people who didn't believe Malzeno beats gaismagorm in the lore.
That gaismagorm was buffed, too.
I love how realistic and epic the ending was with both monsters putting everything they can into that battle and then in the end Malzeno ended up winning against Gaismagorm, tho ending up REEEAAALLY weakened after the whole thing
7:00 it looked like Malzeno blocked Giasmagorm’s attack here. Like he bursted the blast with his winged shields
What a fight! Primordial Malzeno may have been far more aggressive and combo-heavy, but Gaismagorm could really bring the sustained DPS! A few more stray hits at the wrong/right times, and the fight could've gone entirely different! I'd love to see the damage numbers on these climactic fights!
@GunlessSnake Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed the fight. I'm not a fan of damage numbers, but will try and include them in some fights for you.
@@MonsterSlayerSquad I've come to really like them personally, as they make the fights ironically a lot easier to follow since you know exactly what attacks are hitting or not, and you can get a better sense of how well the fight is progressing DPS-wise since it's easier to look at the fight's damage numbers instead of looking away from the action to look at the HP bar.
Anything that keeps you in the action is better than not.
@@MonsterSlayerSquad In this case Damage numbers could be necessary since Gaisma had 2 phases where it did free damage and PriMalzeno could not fight back which is actually pretty unfair, I'd use it to deduct the free damage done to the final tally to determine technical KOs.
malzeno simply saved the best for the finale, epic finish on gaismagorm
Seeing this fight now after learning their lore is so funny.
14:02 bros going for the tail cut 💀. Mal needs those carves
This fight is the most heroic and even lore accurate! Can't believe a smaller dragon could take down a giant one.
Malzeno won this fight, but gaismagorm left its mark by afflicting malzeno with the qurio, turning it into the corrupt shell we fight in sunbreak.
@oblivion and thats how the sunbreak story begins 😅
Considering that half the fight is just the two monsters flailing at each other, it was pretty exciting. It was down to the wire, but in the end the light prevailed!
I love the Idea of Proof of a Hero being played for a monster. Its as if Malzenos actions are being praised by all man kind.
I love that Dark Paladin mode from PriMalzeno, looks so cool.
Primordial Malzeno after entering the Abyss: Show yourself, vile demon! Your reckoning day has come!
Gaismagorm: You seem so eager to die. No, worse even. To repeat your kind's history with my servants.
Primordial Malzeno gets into a fighting stance: You will find that on this very day, history will be VERY different.
Gaismagorm powers up: You think this grand play will end with me?! You, like your predecessor will be ostracized by the very humans you swore to defend!
Primordial Malzeno roars in anger and the battle begins.
And the Victory goes to Primordial Malzeno! This was a crazy close match!
Primordial Malzeno really needed to win this to save the kingdom, because there was a lot at stake.
@monhan4G お互い撤退した。だった気が🫠(記憶が曖昧)
An ultimate to finish the fight off, that was so close and so awesome. LOVE YOU SUNBREAK
couldn't agree more 👍
What would be really cool is if they released an event quest where you have a primordial Malzeno in place of a partner or cats, and you 2v1 a Gaismagorm
I know it's just the Music thing but at the near end when the Proof of Hero sings it's like even the Music itself is cheering for Primordial Malzeno to win
@Teddy Riggs there was a lot at stake for primzeno; so he couldn't afford to lose and the music hyped that up
Bro the end with PriMal's ultimate, Gaisma's death and the Proof of a Hero drop was insane
This was a fantastic fight lived up to the hype Want to see more of this in the future keep it up dude ⚔ 🛡 🆚 ☀️🐲
@Phenixxodyssey thank you so much for the support, glad you enjoyed the fight and there is more to come 👍
@@MonsterSlayerSquad NP Dude
@@MonsterSlayerSquadwho's in the plans?
@Прозоров Анатолий. you'll find out soon...
@@MonsterSlayerSquad ❤👍😊
It was a gruesome fight. Only one shall stand and one shall fall. In the end, the archangel overpowered the archdemon and finalized what it set out, wipe out the Qurio
@Darcy the lore and rivalry between these two elders made this battle even more legendry
Gaismagorm: Huh, another new form. Still, your pathetic persistence is nothing compared to my full power!
Primordial Malzeno: Oh really? Think again, stink breath.
Gaismagorm probs got flash backs when he saw him
I like how the fight ended with both of them falling made it felt nore cinematic
"The Guardian Knight of Peace has returned."
An angel vs a demon.
Proof of a hero playing for malzeno was such a nice touch
"Even if the King of Light defeated the Archdemon of Darkness,the Demon's Servants and its Curse will remains,haunting the world in the Shadows,until the day he Awakens once again to bring this world into the Enternall Darkness"
I loved this fight. Whenever mazleno was powering up was like gia sending qurios to attack him. It flowed so will. I also fill like this is similar to a frenzy apex fighting sharu magala. Using the powers against them while slowly being damaged.
Yep, I called it Primordial Malzeno gives Gaismagorm a run for it's money.
Although it was extremely close
@@ey992 yeah it was pretty down to the wire in all honesty.
@ChaosTokyo i wouldn't say run for its money; but a clutch victory for primzeno
ありがとう ✨
I knew my species won once so I can make it twice. 1:19 GAISMAGORM! Show yourself.
Welp that was lore accurate & by far one of the most chaotic battles in Sunbreak by far awesome video . Wouldn’t mind seeing primordial Malzeno take on scorned to truly see who deserves to be on top as rise/breaks toughest flagship.
I can already hear the soundtrack of their duel....
@@makairidah8354 I DONT KNOW THE SEASON
I love how they put "Sunbreak's TRUE Ending" in the title, because EVERYONE wanted to see a fight between Primordial Malzeno and Gaismagorm, even if it was something small like Apex Zinogre and Amatsu
The Guardian Knight of Peace battles against the tyrant Archdaemon of the Abyss to defend the Kingdom. The Archdaemon uses the Wandering Flame to try to take control of the Knight, but through sheer willpower the Knight took control of this power and uses it against the Archdaemon to send it back into the abyss. But the victory comes at a price; the Knight is consumed by the Wandering Flame and with its newfound power it terrorises the very Kingdom it was sworn to protect. Thus, he becomes the new Demonlord.
I really enjoy the narrative behind this. You should do more "lore fights" in the future, canon or made up. Something like Zinogre and Mizutsune teaming up to fight Amatsu.
This fight was surprisingly lore accurate
i was rooting for primordial the whole time. lots of moments were very tense but Primordial took it back at the end.
8:09 Felt almost scripted. The archdemon of the abyss manages to drop its enemy to the ground, taking advantage of the opening it unleashes its breath weapon upon its foe.
The true hero of sunbreak
Through all the demons the devil through at him, the holy knight vanquished his ancient foe
The second dule,a battle for all the marbles,will Malzeno reclaim his title of defender of the kingdom and redeem his warped brethren,or will the arch demon prove to be the new ruler of the land,and bring about the second extinction of man
You weren’t kidding when you said you put a lot of effort into this fight, the intro, the cinematic shots, the music changes, everything about this fight was well done!
As for the fight itself…LETS GOOOO Primordial’s first W! It was super close though I honestly thought it was gonna lose, it kept you guessing from start to finish who was gonna win! Thank you for making this fight happen 😁
Malzeno the true guardian of elgato
*fists the table*
DAMN STRAIGHT!!! Malzeno was always the true badass between the two.
Also wanted to add, you gotta love the parallels between this story and Castlevania with Dracula. In the Lords of Shadow universe Dracula was God's warrior who drove the devil back. Here, Primordial Malzeno filled in that same role, and BOTH won but at the cost of becoming something worse. Gabriel becomes Dracula, Malzeno gets infected with the virus, becoming shells of who they used to be. There's no way the MH team didn't take inspiration from that story.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who made that connection
Dracula’ atonement for taking power from the devil
This was the fight that started Sunbreak!
Pyrrhic victory for King Arthur, who has been turned into a vampire by the Devil
He did it, he fucking did it
and this is how primordial defeated Gaismagorm and became the malzeno we know today.
I called it, Primordial Malzeno for the win!
i think its fitting that first risen shagaru the original plauge monster beat primordial malzeno
its also fitting that the "hero" primordial malzeno beat the master of the qurio
its also fitting that both fights where basicly down to whoever struck the last blow would win
@Drecknath Magladery all have such great rivalry between them and it was fitting that they could match each other blow for blow
12:18 that counter is satisfying
Very great Primol Malzeno using her last power in last health👀
The knight finally defeated the demon
@Ryan now the qurio will be determined to make the knight their new host
Prime was dodging like crazy
Can you guys make rematchs for Hazard Primordial?
One thing that wasn't fair was using Special Investigation Shaggy.
The one that just gets new additions to the moves would have been enough for Hazard Primal.
If it is possible, could you guys remove grab attacks? They do literally nothing but make the fights worse.
This kinda cannon btw
50 years ago malzeno fight against gaismagorm, and he won, but he almost died and qurio infected he
Many years was passed, the qurios are draining malzeno life, making he weaker than normal, he kinda fall in madness by qurio effect and just attack everything to survive
Gaismagorm's nubby looking back legs tho. He looks like he's got dragon polio
Welp gang, he did it. Primordial Malzeno defended the kingdom 👏💯
@Ralmok yes but at what cost
@@MonsterSlayerSquad At the cost of his...humanity...dragonity?
With how fast Malzeno is, makes me wonder if he can keep up with kirin
@Sairus Yeah, with primordial malzeno we see it uses it's 'teleportation' way more and with much more control. I really hope Capcom release some explanation on what is going on when Malzeno does 'teleport', if there is any logical explanation for it or something.
It’s really too bad that Malzeno’s ultimate doesn’t get multiple hits for the sea of projectiles… Capcom must have wanted to avoid this impacting balance in multiple monster hunts with it… lots of moves in Sunbreak get inadvertently gimped for this reason, but Allmother doesn’t for some reason…
It really just looks like way more damage is supposed to be done, like when Gaismagorm uses its own raining fire move.
dude the floating balls looked like the spike seeds from demon slayer fr fr
I feel like Prime should have more easily won if not for the scripted event where Gaism climbs the cliff and then jumps down to do tons of damage.
That was unexoectedly close
@The King both are powerhouse in these MvM fights
Crazy to think that the fight ended this close, when you consider that Gais is much and I mean much weaker than Primordial in game.
@BADWOLF agreed, but we have to remember that they feel easier to us hunters, but in monster vs monster combat, things aren't exacty balanced so that newer monsters are necessarily stronger.if you recall in Iceborne, Shara is only second to Fatalis in monster vs monster combat, despite it not being a title update monster.
@@MonsterSlayerSquad Thanks, makes sense. I guess some monsters are just better adapted to fighting hunters than others.
ありがとう 😁
If anybody read the lore concerning these monsters, it's related to a legend anout an archdemon of the abyss rising up and summoning the Demon lord that will purify the land with it's sipver spear. The
Arch demon being Gaizmagorm and the Demon lord with the silver spear is Primordial Malzeno. It makes sense that P. Malzeno won
It even had cutscenes! Wow!
Give seething some love bro
Gaismagorm actually managed to corrupt zim with the qurios but it turned out to be his demise
From afar primordial malzeno’s wings kinda look like aknosom lmfao
If primordial Malzeno starts with bloodlust stage like giasmagrom…
This whole time when I legit thought that Primozeno was gonna lose somebody give this guy a gramy 😅
Sir. . . .as you said. It was fuxking epic and hype as shit!!!!!!!! One the of best fights ever!!!!!
@Evan Zebrowski thanks it was a legendary battle indeed
@@MonsterSlayerSquad oh yea!!!it will go down in monster hunter fighting legends
if Gorm had landed more hits during that final tantrum, he would have taken it home. Congrats to Malzeno in pulling off a Canonical Victory!
If they ever do a monster hunter story’s 3 I’d love to see something like a close relitive of ferane be a monstie rider and have a Malzeno as her partner. That would just be amazing
"The devil and his angels waged war, but they weren't strong enough. For there was no place for them in heaven"
Book Of Revalation
Wow, just wow. This is lore accurate.... Also we need a primordial malzeno vs risen shagaru rematch
We need to see the stunlock god himself challenge primordial Malzeno
If you couldn’t tell I was talking about Crimson Glow Valstrax.
The Paladin Knight vs the Archdemon of the Abyss