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Aug 16, 2017 1:19 AM
Sep 2014
lol wtf i didnt know that misaki has more votes than ririna

and yes by those statements i ship MCxMisaki, i dont want that ship to sink.....
lot of shit happens but that ship's still sailing
fyi i did catch up in the manga, and MCxMisaki all the way
i didnt regret this choice, i admit in Nisekoi's case i did changed side (from onodera to chitoge) but i dont feel like a changing side for this show

i can see that both heroine is lying.....

and what about shuu??? i think she is the one who

and i'm curious for misaki and nisaka notice as well.......

That's all i have to say, good day everyone
Aug 16, 2017 9:58 AM
Feb 2017
AyumiVk said:
i like them both but lilina's personality is just so cute D: so im team lilina. tho, takasaki is a good girl too.

Hashimoto_Yuu said:
Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore. But most importantly, I love Misaki

so you're saying just because she's blonde she must not win?? so what would you say if she dyes her hair?
lilina is a good girl, dont compare her to another blonde female main characters in harem animes.
honestly I get where you're coming. I don't know if it's me or something but I believe that Misaki should be picked
1.) because they already have a connection
2.) Kana Hanazawa VA
3.) Salty about nisekoi with her character being the obvious choice due to both sides into each other and then picking the blonde who I didn't believe should win
4.) Kana Hanazawa lmao
Aug 16, 2017 4:09 PM
Aug 2017
I hope lilina will ends with yukari 😆. First love is mainstream, i think since there is a punishment for someone who cancel from yukari program, both yukari and lilina won't let each other to do that,
And so with misaki, so she will make yukari's heart break... i think misaki will ends with nisaka 😂
Aug 19, 2017 12:52 PM

Aug 2017
Readone7night said:
I hope lilina will ends with yukari 😆. First love is mainstream, i think since there is a punishment for someone who cancel from yukari program, both yukari and lilina won't let each other to do that,
And so with misaki, so she will make yukari's heart break... i think misaki will ends with nisaka 😂

Actually, it's the other way around. The punishment were rumors and stupid Yukari happens to fall for it.
I doubt Misaki will end up with Nisaki since they really don't like each other.
"Kinda have feelings kinda heartless."
Aug 20, 2017 7:10 AM

Aug 2017
I just love Ririna too much :(
If the MC choose Misaki then i will take Ririna for myself :3
Aug 22, 2017 7:46 PM
Aug 2017
Arimathea said:
Readone7night said:
I hope lilina will ends with yukari 😆. First love is mainstream, i think since there is a punishment for someone who cancel from yukari program, both yukari and lilina won't let each other to do that,
And so with misaki, so she will make yukari's heart break... i think misaki will ends with nisaka 😂

Actually, it's the other way around. The punishment were rumors and stupid Yukari happens to fall for it.
I doubt Misaki will end up with Nisaki since they really don't like each other.

Is it? Hmmm, i wonder what's relation between nisaka and misaki... they've been living in same house, and where is the announcement for misaki and nisaka?
Aug 22, 2017 7:57 PM
May 2016
I'm going with lilina on this one. Misaki's relationship feels really shallow compared to Lilina's.
Aug 26, 2017 3:29 AM

Nov 2009
If I had to choose between the girls, then, unusually for me, I'd pick Misaka. Neji is something of a wimp and her type can probably work better with him than Ririna's who would probably benefit more from someone who can play a guide for her which Neji can't.
Aug 26, 2017 4:17 AM

Aug 2017
Definitely Misaki.
Nothing beats a woman who sacrifices and endures.
"Kinda have feelings kinda heartless."
Aug 26, 2017 2:59 PM

Apr 2017
Omg .. yuusuke desrves him though im sure he will not win .. that's disapointing

"elles sont bien noires
les pensées des nuits blanches"

Aug 28, 2017 2:55 PM
Mar 2015
After watching Nisaka as Juliet you have to vote for him as Best Girl
Aug 28, 2017 3:31 PM

Oct 2011
Lilina for me, since NejixMisaki are srsly bad at this point. Neji fallen for her just because he shared half of his eraser with her + cause she is the so called "the most beautiful girl at their school"? In the future it would seriously result in divorce or breaking-up, since they know bull about each other except the part from "observations" aka "he is kind/she is kind to other ppl" lul. They never even had a proper conversation to get to know each other before. Their chemistry is also bad, Misaki doesn't give a damn about his interests/hobbies. If she really likes him so much, why isn't she interested in what would "her future husband" be doing to support their family? If she is so disinterested in this thing, why wouldn't she be in more then? Lilina at least understands that part, that's why she scored points on my list to become my fav. I will stop here, since haters gonna hate on me if I write more about how their fav has bad chemistry with mc.

I have one more thing to add. I don't know if you people are stupid or what since a lot of you keep writing "forced relationship/forced marriage by goverment". Just so you know it's not forced anymore if two people who are in it HAVE really fallen in love with each other, then that makes the goverment as a medium who introduced those two to each other nothing more. If they can't love each other in the end, then I can agree as to it being forced, not the other way around. (Monarchy system where nobles used their children just to get more influence). Please, use your brain sometimes, unless you're so infatuated with your ship to a point that you neglect those parts just to make some stupid arguments.

I like Misaki as a char, I just don't see her having good chemistry with mc based on what I wrote above, so don't take this post as an attack on your ships. Anyway am I the only one who thinks that in reality Nisaka is a "girl"? Since a lot of you seem to take him for a gay.
Aug 28, 2017 4:36 PM
Aug 2016
Raisken said:
Lilina for me, since NejixMisaki are srsly bad at this point. Neji fallen for her just because he shared half of his eraser with her + cause she is the so called "the most beautiful girl at their school"? In the future it would seriously result in divorce or breaking-up, since they know bull about each other except the part from "observations" aka "he is kind/she is kind to other ppl" lul. They never even had a proper conversation to get to know each other before. Their chemistry is also bad, Misaki doesn't give a damn about his interests/hobbies. If she really likes him so much, why isn't she interested in what would "her future husband" be doing to support their family? If she is so disinterested in this thing, why wouldn't she be in more then? Lilina at least understands that part, that's why she scored points on my list to become my fav. I will stop here, since haters gonna hate on me if I write more about how their fav has bad chemistry with mc.

I have one more thing to add. I don't know if you people are stupid or what since a lot of you keep writing "forced relationship/forced marriage by goverment". Just so you know it's not forced anymore if two people who are in it HAVE really fallen in love with each other, then that makes the goverment as a medium who introduced those two to each other nothing more. If they can't love each other in the end, then I can agree as to it being forced, not the other way around. (Monarchy system where nobles used their children just to get more influence). Please, use your brain sometimes, unless you're so infatuated with your ship to a point that you neglect those parts just to make some stupid arguments.

I like Misaki as a char, I just don't see her having good chemistry with mc based on what I wrote above, so don't take this post as an attack on your ships. Anyway am I the only one who thinks that in reality Nisaka is a "girl"? Since a lot of you seem to take him for a gay.

What I think:

This is not real life but a fictional story. A fictional story about politics indirectly conveys a powerful message to an audience. The way it works is very simple, in my opinion. You either let freedom prevail, which would be completely logical from a literary perspective because most readers probably wouldn't want a repressive government to succeed in its plans or you let the government's repressive policy be shown to be superior to democracy and freedom of choice.

In this series, you seemingly cannot refuse your government notice without serious repercussions, thus, Neji x Lilina, which is an artificially created couple by the government, shouldn't be the end game.

Saints_RowAug 28, 2017 4:47 PM
Aug 28, 2017 6:17 PM

Nov 2015
Hashimoto_Yuu said:
Please let black hair win, I can bear to see blonde hair win anymore. But most importantly, I love Misaki
But she is not blonde ...
Aug 29, 2017 5:25 PM

Mar 2012
is that even a question
obviously nisaka bc yes
Aug 31, 2017 4:17 PM
Aug 2017
I really like Nisaka... As a character, I find him interesting and endearing, and the way he loves Neji but hides his feelings not to make him suffer is cute... And maybe the fujoshi who lies in me is influencing my choice too... So, as a character, he is the one I prefer and would like to see happy.
However, because of the context, I think Misaki is better for Nejima. First, it is pretty obvious, because they love each other. And I don't think it's all about looks since they spent so much time observing each other, I'm sure they've learnt to know each other better from afar..
Aug 31, 2017 4:21 PM
Aug 2017
Moreover Ririna kinda seems like she would like to see them together, since she likes both of them very much and want them happy (which is very cute btw)
And I personally think it's better if "true love", like natural love wins over ruled and made up love...
Sep 2, 2017 2:17 PM

Feb 2017
For those in the know, could you spoiler tag the story behind him getting the text that deleted itself in regards to the end of the first episode and being paired Misaki?
Sep 3, 2017 2:25 AM
Feb 2015
obv Nisaka ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )

But if i had to choose from the girls i would go for Ririna
she is so cute!
Sep 3, 2017 4:54 AM

Oct 2012
People who don't know how anime tropes works are poised to be disappointed with final girl (remember Nisekoi and many other rabukome manga). Misaki may be the best girl but there are tons of flags that already tells you she won't win.

That being said you won't get your answer in the anime, it would be open-ended. And the manga is far from being completed.
Sep 23, 2017 8:31 AM
Jun 2017
Definitely Ririna. Unique personality, tsundere but not tsundere. And she developed feelings more logically than Misaki.

Idk why, I felt this is the dumbest romance show out there. MC actually fell in love with Misaki after the eraser incident and that "thank you", it's like wth dude? If ririna ends up with MC then it's more logical because yeah they are slowly falling in love, love yeah love. While Misaki and MC love is like infatuation. Doesn't seem like a pure love, everyday just keep on seeking for the pleasant of touch.
Sep 23, 2017 1:29 PM
Jul 2015
Why choose? Go for Team "Giant Fuckpile" with all four of them. That way, everyone gets the love they want, with the added bonus of it still being a giant middle finger to the matchmaking system for the anti-authoritarian crowd.
Sep 23, 2017 3:03 PM

Sep 2009
Nisaka, even tho he won't win. I voted for him anyway but between the two girls I'm team Ririna.

Great to see some Nisaka lovers here ♥ Voted for him as well! But between the girls, #TeamRirina

Check out~ ♥ Some quality AMV:s made with love ♥ My Youtube
Sep 24, 2017 10:16 AM

Jul 2009
Ririna for me, she is the best girl!
Sep 28, 2017 5:08 PM

Sep 2011
Misaki is a childhood crush and hes just sticking to his past feelings. Ririna is true love . The system brought them together and they were both against it at first, but after getting to know each other they developed true feelings in my opinion.

I also feel Misaki had plenty of chances in the past.
Oct 1, 2017 12:23 AM
May 2015
ririna all the way. misaki doesn't make sense to me, secretive, selfish, dorobo neko. i thought she is going to be a tragic good character. but i end up grown suspicious on her at the end of first episode, and started to become unlikable on the beginning of episode 2. she does not show sign of a good wife, but at least as a good friend. urgh, seriously, she need to get her notice soon and end this selfish relationship.
acidbass92Oct 1, 2017 12:41 AM
Oct 1, 2017 10:50 AM

Apr 2009
I count myself as part of #TeamMisaki since I support her ship with Yukari, but damn...

I'd be lying if I said I didn't really like Ririna. She's really, very likable... and I don't mind if people called her best girl... (heresy, I know).

This could be the first time that I support one girl's ship while basically seeing the other as best girl (I'm no witch, don't burn me pls ;D);

What the heck?!
Oct 1, 2017 11:05 AM

Jul 2016
and where is the polygamy choice? Polygamy is the best conclusion!
Oct 7, 2017 8:55 AM

Oct 2015

Personally i would like Neji to choose Ririna/Lilina over Misaki since it seems like they really are made for each other, but I also rooting for YuSaki(sorry if i messed up the match) because they are like, in love for 5 years and finally able to confess their love. Even so i still want to see Ririna as Yukari's partner. I mean, it kind of bad seeing that Yukari is like, never notice her which makes it hard for her to tell him that she love him and more so when Misaki wants her to be with Yukari but she never really said anything but little hints(maybe because she is hurt). Anyway the bigggest reason for why im rooting for Ririna is that so they will have more drama and imagine Misaki's adorable pout as she try to take Yukari's attention. Also, I hope the Yukari System somehow calculate that Yukari can have both Misaki and Ririna as his wives(hooray to HAREM Polygamy Saikyou))
Sylvia_senseiOct 7, 2017 9:03 AM
Oct 20, 2017 10:15 AM

Jun 2009
TsundeReaper said:
Ririna hands down

I'm tired of this western popularized "soul mate", "the one" crap

His relationship with Ririna, is scientifically proven better

Growth relationship > idealistic relationship

Agree with this. at the beginning I cheered for Misaki. But somehow when the story goes one, Ririna's character overgrowth Misaki so much.
Misaki was too "weak" kinda passively accept her destiny (even that Wimpy MC actually tried to do something).
tho', actually I chose to change side when the story especially in manga version going further than the anime. so if some mal user choose Misaki (for now) because never read the manga, it's completely acceptable.
But, if you are following the manga and still choose Misaki. well... (not mentioning, most of user Who chose Misaki are just HanaKana's fanboys)
IZUMI64Oct 21, 2017 11:59 AM
Nov 28, 2017 1:34 PM
Nov 2017
I really love misaki, she is so sweet, gorgeous, and she is one T H I C C girl. This boy has had a crush on her since 5TH GRADE!!! he is in high school now, so about 4-9 years.
Is he really going to throw away all that admiration for a girl he met a couple weeks ago?
Honestley, ririna is cute,she is a nice loli type character. But i just love Misaki.
Actually, you know what i think should really happen? Nisaka should win. the boy that has been there for him when nobody else was. His best friend from a long time ago. The one he can talk to about anything. The one he spends most of his time with. That way, everybody wins, because nobody expects a homosexual ship to actually become canon, especially when 2 bueatiful girls are the competetion. But yeah, i like takasaki, but nisaka should win definitely. even though he doesnt really have a chance.
And in my opinion, as a girl, nisaka, is the hottest one.
IchimatsuSama666Nov 28, 2017 1:37 PM
Dec 16, 2017 4:29 AM

Sep 2012
sry i have to vote both cause its anime after all (at least 2 is easier then harem) lol
Dec 29, 2017 7:36 PM
Dec 2017
The fact that Ririna can support Neji and his love proves that she is the one for him. I mean what better partner could they have paired him up with? How many girls would of reacted the same as her? She needs him and he needs her. Neji doesn’t know Misaki, he’s loved her for 5 years but had never spoken to her. Ririna will win, you guys will see.
Jan 1, 2018 2:04 AM

Aug 2013
Idk, all of the characters were likeable. It's hard to say, because on one hand you have Misaki, the girl he's liked since forever. They both love each other. But that love also kind of feels superficial, but at least its his choice.

On the other hand, you have Ririna, cute little muffin. Seems like a genuinely good match for him. But choosing her means accepting that the system was right all along. Which, that in itself might not be a bad thing, but when you factor in all of the shitty fucking bullshit the fictional government did: completely saying fuck you and giving you no say in your choice, leaving a permanent mark on your record (implied) if you forcibly decline it which would follow you for life, the whole orientation thing where they basically coaxed and entrapped all of those high school kids to spend the night as some government run hotel and fuck all night, the fact that the observer people follow you for seemingly forever, since Nisaka's brother's observer guy officiated their wedding and ran it like some government shit like, accepting the governments matching system also kind of means accepting all of that garbage baggage that comes with it.

Honestly the entire matching system is kind of a joke when you think about it. They explained that the system was put in place to fix the declining birthrate and match people. So for one the system doesnt give a shit about gays unless it forcefully converts them, or people who are infertile. Second, when the birth rate is fixed wont the system be unneeded anymore? But by the time that happens, people will be so accustomed to the system that they wont want to go back (which could after generations lead to overpopulation). Hell nobody in the entire show, not even the adults, had any real knowledge or desire for old school romance. Their generation was matched with the system as well. Also, what happens if you match two people and they get married, and hell they're even happy, but they dont want kids? That then defeats the purpose of matching them.

The rational thing to do would be just to have both practices in place. The government matches you with someone, but you're also free to love whoever you want. If you decide to marry your childhood sweetheart then by all means, if you break up, the government can still show you you're match. If you marry but want to divorce? Then you have a backup. But uh...I guess that's too simple and logical of an answer. It literally almost like the government is too prideful to admit that people can love other people outside their matching system.

Gator said:
Misaki has two strong arguments on her side.

HAH! I see what you did there.
Feb 8, 2018 4:44 AM

Mar 2016
Ririna. Doubtless. She's so cute that I want to hug her endlessly.
If I met such a girl, I would like to dating with her.

Firstly, Ririna is very beautiful. During the first meeting between Ririna and Yukari, the thought comes to her that she looks better than Misaki. And how will the main character behave in the presence of such a beauty?
Secondly, Ririna has a very pleasant character. She is ready to help people, even if it is bad for her.
Thitdly, HER EYES!! When they shine with delight.

Ririna is the best ♡
Feb 8, 2018 4:46 AM

Mar 2016
I could be deceived by the voice of Hanazawa Kana and choose Misaki. However, Ririn wins!
Sep 16, 2018 6:16 AM
Sep 2018
This story's premise is waaaaay too similar to Ally Condie's Matched btw (at least in the romance side of things) so I'm reallly a bit troubled by this. Anyhow, I don't get people's reasoning choosing Misaki just because they want to fuck up the government and Ririna was assigned by the government. Idk, I think that's pretty damn shallow. So if it was the other way around and it was Misaki who was assigned by the government and Ririna the one Yukari first met and fell in love, then ya'll would choose Ririna? You guys are weird.

Emotionally and all that, I think both girls are strong contenders. I hope it'll all be dang satisfying when it ends.
karikicchiSep 16, 2018 6:20 AM
Jan 27, 2019 3:31 AM
Jan 2017
Series was all good until reedit and tumblr cretins hijacked the manga with current gay ass arc.
May 3, 2019 2:30 PM
Apr 2019
crimson_fukr said:
Series was all good until reedit and tumblr cretins hijacked the manga with current gay ass arc.

Yeah they must have gotten a lot of pressure to make some kind of development with nejixnisaka
May 15, 2019 3:57 PM
Jan 2017
elementex said:
crimson_fukr said:
Series was all good until reedit and tumblr cretins hijacked the manga with current gay ass arc.

Yeah they must have gotten a lot of pressure to make some kind of development with nejixnisaka

I know bruv, i can only imagine how rabid these people are. Anyways, changing my choice from Misaki to Lolina. Like that one dude stated, Misaki probably had a lot of chances to hook up with Neji in the past, despite I'm a first girl type of dude, she hasn't done jack shit about their relationship to impress me, even when Neji's in a mess where the fuck was her first girl ass in the picture? Nowhere. I was like bitch, your man is about to get stolen by a dude, along with a plethora of Fuji readers and you're MiA !? Lolina by a mile. Great chemistry, she was actually with Neji while this shitstorm went down.
Jul 25, 2019 1:46 AM
Jun 2013
I’m team Lilina. Sure she’s cute! But people with more chemistry is my definition of rainbows and butterflies and all things great in the world.. hehe. So MCxLilina is what I’m all for. I also pick her because she can definitely give a healthy and happy relationship, basing it off of the happenings in the manga! To be realistic here, Misaki and MC probably wouldn’t have a happy relationship. If you know anything about the real world, divorces happen because they’ve lost the spark in which ignited them in the first place. If proving the government wrong is all you want from MisakixMC, I don’t think it’s very wise. We rely on science all the time, with diseases and all of that, and to just diss the institutions like that is very outrageous to me. It’s not like people choose the right thing at the right moment all the time. They’re kids, too. 15 years old!!! How would they know the difference between head and heart? How could they be so self-aware at such a young age? Making good choices have only been because we are looking at and planning the bigger picture and are not trying to be adults at such a young age. I have more stuff to say, but I rest my case. :D
Oct 29, 2019 11:16 AM
Feb 2015
Ririna must win.
She deserved it.

If takasaki win this manga Will ending with weird and bad way.
Apr 3, 2020 8:27 AM

Sep 2014
How the fuck is team Misaki so predominant???? I liked her at first, but after a while it's obvious she's selfish, a liar and a shameless person.

I don't believe in childhood crush. Most of the time it just happens because they are curious and are just attracted to superficial aspects such as the look or cloths or other things for kids.

That is no way as serious than actual relationship development with two person with good chemistry. And it's a plus since Ririna, as opposed to Misaki, is honest, confident and actually care about Yukari. This just makes more sense.

Just imagine if Ryuuji continued to like Minori despite everything he has done and developed with Taiga.
Apr 13, 2020 2:31 PM
Jan 2017
I just watched this on a whim thanks to amazon prime.

I will NEVER be on board with him being with the pink haired girl.

The blackhaired one was his FREE WILL choice. He hated, like any normal human being would, being FORCED to marry, sleep with, and procreate with a stranger just because of a government edict. However, when the government said his FREE WILL choice was his bride he was sooo happy because he was ALREADY IN LOVE with her,and perfectly she was IN LOVE with him.

So I'm supposed to root AGAINST the two people who fell in love with each other completely of their OWN WILL, and BOTH with a FIVE YEAR LONG pining backstory to boot, because the government said this stranger is his mate?

When you take choice out of love you take the HUMANITY out of it.

I'm suppose to believe that the strong love he felt for the black haired girl for FIVE YEARS waned for a girl he barely interacts with throughout a six month period? When he kissed her so passionately on the bed I was like AREN'T you IN LOVE with someone else and WHEN did pink hair become a romantic option for you in the first place?

Their whole relationship is forced,and his love is fickle as hell if the government sanctioned girl is who he ends up with in the end.

I would be more okay with this system if it was like a above poster stated in this quote.

The rational thing to do would be just to have both practices in place. The government matches you with someone, but you're also free to love whoever you want. If you decide to marry your childhood sweetheart then by all means, if you break up, the government can still show you you're match. If you marry but want to divorce? Then you have a backup.

Basically the government just works like a middle man dating app. If you want to go that route fine,but if you want to do it the normal way and choose your own mate you are free to do so with no repercussions.

However, that's not what is going on in this anime. You are messed up for life if you don't marry and procreate with who the government chooses for you.

Also that whole government lead forced sexathon with a bunch of kids(who are pretty much strangers to each other at that) was also high level disgusting. HOW is this not government sanctioned rape?

Then the government official( repressive stalker) officiating at the wedding was also unnerving.

I also spoiled myself after I finished watching and saw a manga chapter of his best friend confessing to him. They then share a passionate kiss of their own.  I have empathy for him,but sadly in these kinds of stories the rare gay one doesn't get the guy. Yuri On Ice came pretty close,but even then there was a timidly in the execution of their story that wouldn't have been there if Yuri were female.
fantasynight04Apr 13, 2020 3:04 PM
Apr 25, 2020 2:57 PM
Sep 2015
Lilina all the way. Idk but I don't think too much when I choose my team. I just follow my guts, and apparently I prefer Lilina. She's cute.

But when I turn on my brain and read the arguments that choosing Misaki will prove the point the manga is trying to convey, then for the sake of the message, I'm okay with Misaki then... begrudgingly lol Nah, but she's a good girl. I understand that the manga will suffer if Yukari chooses Lilina instead. Cuz like then what's the point of this manga then? Government is the best for your future? What's the point of the suffering all this time then? Lilina is still best girl tho haha

But, Nisaka is one poor guy. Hope he will be happy.
kpakaneApr 25, 2020 3:01 PM
Apr 28, 2020 7:14 AM
Apr 2020
Hmm a difficult choice between Misaki or Ririna but if I have to pick it would be Ririna... Why because simply at the 1st episode when Nejima received his notice Misaki instead of fighting the system runs away knowing Nejima would chase her if Misaki really loves Nejima she would fight for their love Nejima was ready to do it but Misaki wasn't... Yes Ririna did it also at the last episode but that wouldn't happen in the first place if Misaki never ran away. Most parts of the story shows Misaki pushing Nejima away.
May 1, 2021 4:22 AM
Nov 2019
I vote Misaki, hope that she wins. Not that I dislike Ririna. She is a good girl with all the best girl characteristics present (only if not for Misaki)...
The plot itself works against Ririna for me. I have a problem with the whole arranged marriage vive. If Ririna wins then the whole story would be about proving that your choice is futile against science and the government knows what's best for us.. There is nothing romantic about some matchmaking algorithm based on science (by the government) chosing for us something so personal. Even if that option works better for us in reality. Falling in love and choosing whom we marry is something sacred that must be decided through working through our own human emotions.
No matter how the story progresses, even if the author decides to turn Misaki into a dislikeable and detestable bitch while setting up Ririna as a kind and sweet Angel to try push us into an easier decision, things will never sit easy with me if She wins because if what i mentioned above (one thing if it was real life, obviously the better girl gets my vote but this is a story and the underlying theme and message it gives should be important)
Apr 5, 2022 4:10 PM
Jan 2022
I like misaki sorry if i'm spoiling but the manga ch 280 is very sad misaki tries to commit suicide by jumping off a cliff thankfully mc was passing by and saw her to save her i hope mc chooses her in the true ending not in some route after that sad ending in the chapter they want to do two different ending that is total crap misaki has loved him for five years and more she has loved him since they were kids 6 months can't compare to how misaki loves mc
Jun 22, 2022 10:45 AM
Jun 2021
No hate to Misaki but ririna is so damn cute and straight to her feelings
Jul 27, 2022 1:34 AM
Mar 2020
Zankokuhime said:
AyumiVk said:

the only thing you said was that you did not want lilina to win because she was blonde. like, w-t-f.
i didnt say you couldnt dislike her because of course you can, its your choise. your reason was the thing that i talked about but it seems like you didnt understand that, not my fault.
I said: "But most inportantly, I like Misaki." You didn't see it? That's my reason,ok? Please read my comment more carefully
wow you really have a terrible way of judging
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Poll: » Koi to Uso Episode 8 Discussion ( 1 2 3 )

Stark700 - Aug 21, 2017

109 by Gator »»
Feb 27, 3:04 AM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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