Man Dies While In Coma, He Traveled To Heaven and Met With Deceased Relatives!
- Опубликовано: 26 мар 2025
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Forensic Detective Given Evidence for Heaven with Randy Schiefer
In March 2020, Randy contracted COVID-19 and spent six weeks in the hospital. Three and a half weeks were spent in a medically induced coma on a ventilator, on dialysis, and finally on an Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation (ECMO) machine. As Randy's heart and organs began to fail, he was given a 3% chance of survival. While in the coma, Randy experienced three near-death experiences. He traveled twice through a dark tunnel. His first trip exited into a beautiful building resembling a great hall and his second into a magnificent city. He was privileged with the ability to see several deceased relatives and was honored when an unknown deceased veteran chose him to deliver a message to his granddaughter. Randy was able to validate this experience (evidence!) by locating the granddaughter and passing her grandfather’s message to her (54:00). These experiences have inspired in Randy a love for Jesus and for the Bible.
"God has a plan. He is real. There is a heaven and it's beautiful." -Randy Schiefer
"Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God; believe also in me. My Father’s house has many rooms; if that were not so, would I have told you that I am going there to prepare a place for you? And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am. You know the way to the place where I am going.” Jesus's words from John 14:1-4 NIV
Randy holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Psychology and a Master of Forensics Science Degree. He spent 20 years in the United States Air Force as a Security Policeman and as a Special Agent in the Office of Special Investigations. He retired in 1992. From the Air Force Randy started teaching at the collegiate level, entering as an adjunct instructor and working his way to Department Chair and finally as the college campus Director. He retired (again) in 2014 and moved to Florida in 2015.
Randy married his high school sweetheart in 1972. They have three marvelous daughters, two grandchildren, and a third due in August.
Randy's book "To the Veil and Back, Surviving COVID-19" is coming soon! Check it out for more detail as he continues to process and share his journey and revelation.
To contact Randy Schiefer:
Facebook: everydaymiracle...
Instagram: www.instagram....
To email Julie directly:
My mom died from COVID February 19, 2021 at 65. She LOVED The Lord so much! I hope she's okay wherever she is! I miss her so much.
What You Mean Where She Is You Know Where Is
Randy kept saying what did I do to deserve still being here. I was not expected to live due to cancer in 2000. An angel came to me and wrapped me up in beautiful white wings.I asked him why he was there. He said I am here because of all the prayers! Boy, did that make me realize how powerful prayer is! The Holy Spirit said to me that Randy was here because of all the prayers as I was listening to him. God bless you,Randy. I hope you have many blessings for others from the Holy Spirit. Telling your story is helping so many!
And freely telling about Jesus Christ and HIS gospel. That's where the focus needs to be.
The old testament points to Jesus.
The new testament reveals Jesus.
And we who are washed in His blood and born of His Spirit show forth the light and life and love and liberty of Jesus the eternal Son of God.
Powerful testimony. My older brother was in a comma for 8 days. His half sister who has power of attorney on him was trying to pull the plug but I told her my brother shall live and not die. He woke up by Gods grace.
I later learned from him 2 months later that he had experienced heaven. He cried sharing his experience. I was stunned because in my thoughts I kept pondering why God hasn’t allowed my brother to have a supernatural experience to get his attention. He had been wavering with his walk with Christ and I was concerned about his health because he’s on dialysis.
I truly believe if it wasn’t for the prayers of all my brother and sisters in Christ he would not have came back.
I encourage all believers to be steadfast in prayer whatever you’re facing. Draw closer to Jesus and he will draw close to you.
I always believe when near death experiences with the Lord and the Lord or angels tell the person you have to go back, its not your time. There probably trying to stay in heaven. At least I know I would
The inky thing is the chuch is not if what peuests have done e not our catholic ch is bor an orginard religion cus was started by god gimself n mama mary
Yes!!! God Bless You !!! See God was with you !!! And Yes, Prayers do help tremendously. My niece & 5 other teen girls were in a fatal car crash years ago. We Prayed Hard & they all survived !!! They almost didn't .It was real bad we kept praying in my sister's apt. That's when I started putting God first before anything & everything. I'm active 3 or more times a week in my church & I am so blessed!!! Thankyou for your comment so much!!! 😉❤🙏✌
I absolutely believe his story, and yet I’m a little disappointed in his takeaway from his wonderful experience. And btw I’ve listened to quite a few NDE’s & ADE’s and his is a little unique. And it’s also very unfortunate & quite rare for a minister, priest, pastor or whoever to have reacted so callously & without empathy to someone seeking solace & help. I also wonder if he’s misinterpreting why his mother & father and whoever else turned away, and that his room was never ready. We’ve learned he’s writing a book, and still isn’t to interested in what organized religion has to say on the matter, but he does believe in God and an after life, but the entire experience and his detective like background hasn’t evidently caused him to seek out a little more information about what God’s Holy inspired scripture has already informed us, that might be important for him know, If he has, we never heard anything about it here anyway. Maybe he feels that he’s already learned enough, hopefully not, or his room might not be ready again.
I worked in a hospice many moons ago and a man was given his last rites by a Catholic priest after he left with his parishioners family The Lord led me to pray with the dying patient and he received Jesus seconds before he passed away.
Alas I can't remember his name, but I will see him again 😢
Tracey, that’s just beautiful.
God bless. Keep on doing your good work.
I hope this is true l have got to have an operation .on November 3rd and hope if l do not get through . It l will .meet my dear much missed husband and ..other dearly loved .ones in heaven l am nearly eighty and in..poor health god bless you all
@@olivelane7903 how are you doing?
The lady in the red dress (Julie?) has such an expressive and empathic face, what a great listener. Very inspiring experience and sharing.
Well, in 2014 I was involved in a accident. During the incident my heart stopped. And yes, I went somewhere and saw my deceased relatives...... So, I do believe there is life after this one.... and yes. This man is speaking the truth.
I often wonder what if you met deceased relatives and then saw one who abused you while on earth. How would that impact you?
They proably wouldnt be there in the first place.
When you died you died.
@@edmundpower1250 😅
@@elainedavies5209 it may be funny to you but if you were abused you would understand the question
This message touched my spirit. Our youngest daughter passed a year and 7 months ago from a drug overdose then my husband of 51 years passed 6 months ago. I am watching and praying for our Son to be set free from drug addiction as I grieve the passing of my daughter and husband. Yes, I am a Christian and I know God has a plan but I gotta tell you through the many blessings God has sent my way, the journey of my life has been hard. Some days are harder than others and I am left wondering what is to become of me. I'm tired, weary, and worn but I'm holding on to my faith in God believing He still has a good plan for me. Thank you for sharing this very personal testimony and giving us a glimpse of heaven and a does of hope!
children are a blessing but satan comes to steel kill destroy sadly im sorry for your loses trust Jesus pray for all and look to him always dear
QGod work in a misterious way.Praiae God.
Just keep believing in Jesus and , I know he will help you. I go through a lot of depression due to losses that I have experience, but my faith in Jesus has gotten me through day by day, so don’t give up, just keep believing and praying. God Bless & keep you 🙏🙏🙏❤️❤️
I am praying for you.
Hi Leslie. I'm sorry for the heartaches you have experienced. Life is extremely challenging, but the most important thing I think we have to do is to . . .STAY IN THE GAME!! Now, I realize that may sound silly and trite, but sweetheart, you are here for a reason, and your focus should be on finding that reason and fulfilling it while you are still on this side. Your message talks about how you keep asking God for this, and praying to God for that. Here is a suggestion. Every day, every time you start feeling sad or worried, rather than asking God for something, try telling Him, out loud, how much YOU LOVE HIM. Ask for blessings only during your bedtime prayers. All the rest of the time, devote yourself to telling God how much you ADORE HIM, HOW MUCH YOU LOVE HIM. Ask for Him to guide you towards fulfilling your destiny in this life in His Name, in His Honor. Just try it.
You said you did nothing in your life to deserve living but you did you solved murders for families! Thank you for that love from Canada 🇨🇦
From India, please pray for Sandeep diagnosed with bone cancer, he is vomiting blood. Many thanks, Amen and Shalom 🕊
I’ll be praying for Sandeep. God please wrap Sandeep in your healing arms to bring healing, comfort, and peace to Sandeep’s body.
Praying for Sandeep my mom was also diagnosed with bone cancer stay strong in the Lord his will is for Sandeep to be healed
Be praying for you did you know jesus taught 2000 years ago you have to be born again from water and spirit so when people die this is to be saved and have eternal life after we die a new creation we need to be while alive. look up john 3:3 Roman 10:9 john 14 :6 GODBLESS
We command that cancer to die in Jesus Name. We command that spirit of cancer and spirit of sickness and diseases to leave Sandeep in Jesus name. From the top of Sandeep's head to the soles of his feet We command healing, life flow to Sandeep's body right now in Jesus name! By the the stripes and blood of Jesus Christ, Sandeep you are healed. Lord we thank you in advance that Sandeep is healed. Amen 🙏
Sending prayers.❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
When I lost my 20 year old son and only child I just wanted to die. He was in a coma for 39 days. I had no will to live. My husband had died when my son was a year old and I just wanted to be with them. Then my son came in a dream and said " Mum I had been through so much. I'm here now. Place of peace". I'm so grateful to God for sending me this message.
You're an excellent interviewer. Thank you very much for not interrupting him and letting him speak the Truth.
I am so grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to cry some tears of hope and joy! You were meant for me to hear your experience ! You gave me hope today that all my deceased family members are living an everlasting life with our Lord. You are back here today with your family as a messenger from the heavens and for that I thank YOU!
Jesus said except a man be born again he cannot he not see the kingdom of God when we believe that Jesus paid for our sins and call on him for salvation believing by faith we are saved
What a wonderfull testimony!! We also lost our son 21 June 21 of covid. 2 days later he spoke to my husband and told him: Dad I am ok. Please take care of my people
God is great bles be his holy name
sorry to hear about your son but nobody talks to people from the dead. and that is biblical too
My heart feels your heart, Annamarie, my precious son's heaven date is 9/29/21. We will have a celebration of life with his children to honor his year in Heaven.
God bless you all. For the memories.lam bless by the time.
I had a car accident in 2013, I died after, my sister had passed from a car accident a year & a half before my accident & I saw my sister & she spoke to me & told me everything was going to be OK!!! I truly believe this!!! 🙏🙏🙏🙏
That had to be such a comfort...I'm glad that happened for you...Please believe it!!!
Thanks for sharing
Thank you for sharing. This has given me peace after the death of my husband and sister. God is real. lets put our trust on him.
@@vickychance6501 xed q
I was always afraid of death until I died. It was beautiful and my grandmother was waiting for me. Oh I felt so happy which was a complete turn around before I went into surgery. I was so afraid of death and the intern looked down at me and assured me I would be okay. At the time I had 3 little girls, and I didn't want to leave them. However, when I died I was at peace and I did not remember my life here on earth. My grandmother told me I had to go back because it wasn't my time. She said when it is I will be waiting for you. It is the most peaceful experience I can describe.
I miss my grandmothers. It's wonderful to hear yours say she would be waiting for you.
You keep saying you don’t deserve healing but no one does. That’s what grace is. Undeserved love. I’ve noticed people who are closest to God are the most humble. ❤
It is the communion of Saints that Mr. Randy is experiencing. Thank you for sharing your story.
I have been taken as well and had a brief encounter with my grandpa and daughter who passed over. All I can say is that they are in a better place and that I am blessed for I have saw
Thanks for sharing the testimony. Yeah we really need to equip these pastors so they can feed the sheep. So sorry you went through that but God is faithful and he was searching you out
Out of all the NDE's that I have listened to this is by far the one that touched my heart the most. Especially the story about Madison. It's amazing how God guides us to learn and grow our faith and to help others along the way. I can't wait to share your experiences with others.
Bless you. Christie
You are worthy in God's eyes because He created you. No one deserves His grace, but He offers grace and salvation to all who accept Him as Lord and Savior 🙌🏻💜
Wonderful testimony ❤can you all pray for Jimmy Mc Mahon from Kilrush Ireland who is 10 years in a coma Linkin Brain Syndrome, went to bed normal at 11pm at 23 years and never woke up fully and still in a coma. Please pray for him and his dear mother and father and brother in terrible heartache. God bless you all. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Prayers For Your Family 🙏🙏🙏
Praying for him🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
God bless him complete & speedy recovery.
Yes, I will add my prayers ❤
I lost my girlfriend of almost 8 years to the same thing on 8-1-2021. Covid and pneumonia. I prayed my ass off along with my family. I loved her...why didn't God accept my prayer? I'm still grieving a year later. Like a slow painful death. She was the sweetest and most innocent person I have ever met in my life....God be with us please...smh
So sorry for your terribly painful loss. My dad just died September 8, 2022 and it's incredibly hard to get over the disbelief. My stepdad passed just 5 weeks before that and my brother in law 7 months before that. So much loss in the past year! In the year of 2021 we lost a best friend and my father in law. Not to mention all of the other friends and family that I didn't see every day... 😢
I've been getting little hints of my grandmother coming to say hi for the past 10 to 15 years. I'll look at the clock to check the time and it just happens to be 5:11am or pm. May 11 is my birthday and I never before noticed looking at the clock at 5:11 so many times in a week before in my life, like at least 7 or 8 times a week! Just 3 days after my dad passed I started seeing 4:11, 6:11, 7:11, 9:11, every other time at 11 after the hour except for 5:11! If that's not a sign of my dad coming to say hello and to let me know that everything is going to be okay then IDK what is!! Signs from heaven are coming down to the living every second of every day and all that we have to do is be willing and able to see them! Peace, hope and smiles is wished for you always. ✌️🧡😊 Always! ✌️🧡😊 Always!!
I’m so sorry. Maybe He answered your prayer and he did heal her, now she is perfect and not suffering. I’m so sorry for your loss . Grief is profound pain. We have to lean on the Lord and ask him to carry us through loss and pain.
You 'll definitely get another nice girl as that one.
My son died of Covid we later learned on Jan. 11/20.
He was a pastor, married with 3 little children and he was 42 yrs old. He was in hospital over Christmas. He loved his Lord, and God called him home. We miss him and I look forward to going to see my Saviour and my son face to face.
I’m sitting here crying my eyes out loving your miracle! You are worthy because your a Child of GOD!
Such a beautiful testimony. lt is a Blessing to the World to hear about God, and the Power of God that He loves us, and want us to prepare for His coming.
I cried and cried when this man talked! I've wanted so much for my last male client to be saved. He was a World War 11 Veteran, New Yorker, 911 worker, and a Firefighter. Your guest reminded me of him because of the proof thing. He always challenged anything I said about my personal relationship with Jesus.
I was his care giver for four years in his home in Colorado where he resided.
Some people are just stubborn and because of past hurt and or training they have been programmed a certain way God has to be really creative to get them to come to Him. I can't say for sure if my client made that decision to believe but with the information I received before he passed He became a different person. God bless you and your guest! It was a good one!
I like how you said God has to be really creative to get our attention. God our creator is such a wonderful, magnificent ARTIST. My mind is just blown out from beholding all of his IMMPOSSIBLE GRAND CREATIONS, nothing is impossible for Jesus Christ as we can all see. This was a very good one, i believe Randy, and his heart felt testimony actually placed a sense of peace in my soul that i really needed. Hope your stubborn friend made it to HEAVEN! Sounds as though he is waiting for your arrival someday TO THANK YOU for sharing Jesus Christ to him. God bless you.
Was he making this up as he went along? Fakest NDE I have ever heard.
good try
There is very great power in prayer. We prayed for my grandmother for 30 years before she became a believer in her death bed and awaking from her coma she told us she had been sitting with Jesus and talking with him.
There is huge power in praying for people - never stop!
Wow, u was in so much tears because I lost two of my children 23yrs and 20yrs old and I hope I can see them in heaven experience as well, my family need healing in our soul
Prayers and Peace be unto you and your family. I also recently lost my son 23 years. I definitely understand. God is with us. Bless are those who mourn they shall be comfort. It's a promise from God. Blessings !💜!
🙏 🙏
Beautiful thank you for sharing. God has a way of allowing these types of moments to spread the word of our Lord.
I had a high school friend who passed from cancer come to me in a dream to tell his sister Mary he was “okay”… I was reluctant to tell her because she’s agnostic but I felt it was my duty to tell her…she thanked me.❤️
Thank you Randy for sharing your experience! God bless both of you!
Thank you! Please help me share my journey.
Omg I just was thinking of my sister last night. She passed around this time of the year with COVID. Then it's amazing how I stumbled across your RUclips video and listening to the man name Randy and his beautiful encounter with his death. It gave me hope that my sister is ok. God is so wonderful and I truly love him.
I needed this today! Thank you God for this testimony!! My mom is in the ICU now! I’ve experienced things that I don’t even know how to express. I’ve realized that I have experienced heaven on earth!
My thoughts and prayers are with you. May God wrap His healing arms around your family and give you peace, and strength to get through this difficult time.
God bless you .Your family .And your dear mother.All you need is simply love forgive and believe.
Miranda, I lift up your Mom to the Lord right now, that He may heal your MOM in HIS WAY. His Will be done. Surrender all this to the Lord.
May you experience HIS PEACE, LOVE for you and yours as well. May you bear witness to His love and healing too.
My thoughts are with you
I do hope your mum heals swiftly.
Love Australia.
@Maranda Peace, Prayers and Blessings to you and your family!
Wow!! Amazing!! We lost my second brother’s wife last year in July & then my oldest brother we just lost last month. I know without a doubt they are in Heaven!! I love hearing stories of what Heaven is like!! I have heard multiple stories of it looking the same, the knowledge & peacefulness that is there. I look forward to the day to see my family again!!
I knew somebody was praying for you! That’s where your grace came from. Remember, none of us are worthy that’s why Jesus had to die so you’re in good company none of us are worthy!❤
Thank you simonr
We where all worthy originally because in the beginning all was good. Then humanity fell to our unnatural state of death. God did not design us to carry sin. Jesus came to restore us back to our natural state, our God given state.
Every words of him was absolutely true, I had similar encounters and witnessed the same similar circumstances in my dying bed, I found myself in the same after life experience and I survived to give the account of where I had visited to my mum . I even sang the song that was singing at the gathering in heaven to the conscious world where everyone was present to wish me my last moment as all hope was lost,. Thank God I’m alive till today and I still sing that song each time I give praise to God. This man testimony is all true.
What song were they singing?
That’s amazing 🙏
This channel is inspiring and has reassured my faith in Christ.
Hallelujah and amen.
Me Too Amen 🙏 🙌 ❤ ✨ ♥
Myself also. So uplifting.
Randy what a testimony. Simply amazing, I lost my Dad, died of brain tumor, grandmother passed at 88, mother died 2016 Sepsis.
My husband committed Suicide by hanging, lastly my 16 yr old,granddaughter by hanging. So much death. I TOO was nervous at one time, but since my husband died, I became angry why did he do this, slowly , I realized our members were not dead. Meditations, prayer.
God Bless you!❤️
God bless you! ❤️
Omg luv. I lost my son to suicide 2 yrs ago. His Dad 21 yrs ago. Haven't seen his 2 girls, 11 and 15, since the funeral. May God bless you x
Awesome what God will do for you. He will give you your hearts desire even after death. Praise God! Amen.
My husband passed away on October 15, 2021 from Covid. He was in OSI and retired after 20 years in the Air Force. Thank you, listening to you this morning was very comforting.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I don’t believe our paths ever crossed. When did your husband serve.
Oh I'm very sorry about your lost, i understand how you feel i have been in that road too
Randy zip watched your incredible testimony and want to say to you that I have had for most of my life a terrible fear of death and sickness. Your story has given me so much hope that at 81 years old
I can finally be free from guilt and fear of death. I have been a Christian since age 23 and have now identified the root cause of this fear. My mother died of a terrible long battle with cancer when I was 12 to 15. The fear of Cancer and death took hold of me and caused so much trauma in my life that I’ve never been able to just be at peace as a Christian. Thank you for so candidly sharing the awesome and supernatural experiences with us. God bless you, and I too will be looking for that picture of you on that white porch in Iowa!❤ Blessings on you my brother.
God bless you. Thank so much for your kind words. May God wrap his healing arms around you and give you peace.
Save by His grace
It's unreasonable to blame covid when its the remdeszavier and intubation that kills people This is standard covid protocol. Stay out of the hospitals if you can.
Randy and this sweet Host have made my Saturday...God never sleeps ....Much love and stay Blessed😇🙏❤
Hello Nancy, I hope my comment wasn't taken as a form of invasion of your comments privacy. I'm here to make friends, how are you? Where are you from?
Thank God for his grace and mercy . God is good in all his ways. That you Lord for your grace upon your son life.
What a lovely man,so glad I found this video,it’s given me so much comfort and belief. I lost my husband mum and 2 brothers this last few years and this has been so wonderful to hear,I am a believer but this is so wonderful confirming what I believe thank you.xx❤️🇬🇧
Oh my, I cannot believe that I cried off and on throughout this beautiful testimony. Everyone involved in this story must be the "Salt of the earth." Thank you for sharing. God bless ALL of you.
Paty from Montana ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️
Amazing testimony of prayer and how it works. What a comforting story.
@@kimdavis5964 thank you.
@@kimdavis5964 არა
me too crying I am a mess
God Bless you too Paty!!!😊❤🙏✌
I love these videos I went in for surgery yrs ago and when I woke up in recovery my husband was sitting at the foot of my bed.he had died at 40 yrs old. I think he just wanted to see if I was ok. He was smiling
Dear Randy,. You referenced being lost. Jesus died for the forgiveness of all of our sin's over 2,000 years ago. That was after He had came here to be the promised Messiah of the Jewish people
God's chosen people. The Jews had been promised a Messiah or coming King throughout the Old Testament. Well He came, lived here for 33 years, and was rejected by His own people. And was Crucified, buried, and rose again after 3 days (alive). Walked among His Disciples for 40 days, and was called back to Heaven (witnessed by over 500 people according to the Scriptures). God had made a covenant with Abraham that He will not break concerning the promised Messiah, and Kingdom. God had now put Israel on hold and is or has been doing something different. The Gentile people or non Jews were not included in the Kingdom that Jesus came to establish the first time he came. But after (some 33 years) the death of Jesus God made a devout Jewish man the Apostle to the Gentiles. That man being Saul who was converted to being the Apostle Paul. Paul was given the Gospel of God's Grace (1st Corinthians 15:1-4) to preach to the Gentiles for their Salvation. Read those 4 verses. They say that by your true heartfelt belief in the death, buriel, and resurrection of Jesus the Christ (Messiah) you are saved! Again, read those 4 verses, and pay particular attention to verse 2. Verse 2 says by this, "you are saved"! By truly (not vainly) believing this you are saved. God gave you a second chance. You were lost. It is my hope that you believe this. He made the way possible for you to be saved by going to the Cross with all of our sin's. But you have to believe in everything He did on the Cross, and through His death, buriel, and resurrection. He did it all on the Cross so we could be saved! Concerning Israel, they are still on hold. They will go through 7 years of Tribulation in the future, and then their Messiah (Jesus) will come again to establish the Kingdom (His Second Coming).
Sir, he wasn’t through with you yet. He still has a job for you to do. Praise the Lord.
My fiance'passed away a few days ago. The guilt is eating me alive. I feel like if I would have Loved him more,or loved him better,or prayed more,or had stronger faith,or paid more attention to his symptoms and actions,or been more patient with him, that maybe he would have lived longer,maybe I could have helped him more. I just hope he knows how very much I loved him.
I feel the same for my mother which passed away more than a year back....I needed to do so much more, I failed miserably.....Its so sad sometime we realize the true depth of love we have for people only after they are gone
Needed this thank you
@@mishuccet1 and also my condolences because grief is not easy
There are things in this world we cannot control and that is one of them.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Give it to God the Almighty, all powerful and he will deliver you in all ways. ❤️🙏🏻
My husband passed a few weeks ago. I was suffering guilt too. I am reading ‘imagine heaven’ by John Burke. It is giving me so much comfort. You may find it comforting for you too.
Listening to this soon going to work, a blessed day. I love the way our heavenly father loves us.
Have a wonderful day at work! Thanks for listening to my story.
@@randyschiefer1158 - ahh felt guilt when my w.w.2. dad was robbed off his Tools.- Reason - a spirit with a irish accent showed me in my head what was happening at our tool sheds outside and the spirit wanted me too kill them all butt a hhh wimped out. it was a cold winter night when this happenned and ahh did not want too go outside but stayy cudddled upp in my warm bed. dad- F. O'Dwyer hit the roof next day when he found out and went on the total war path with every savage in New Zealand./Aotearoa.- South pacific. N.B.B.- Pity that and any other irish spirits did not have the powers too kill the guttless savages themselves- Suspect they were my irish ancestors from Tipparry.
Thank you Randy! I haven’t had any NDEs, but I have had what I call sacred dreams, over the years. Your experiences touched my soul in a similar fashion.
I give you a big virtual hug.
Such a awe-inspiring testimony!!! I was captivated by every single word!
Thank you for the kind words.
Saved by His grace
Thanks for your video. My dearest friend had a mild heart attack last week, and then a mild stroke when discharged from the hospital a day ago, necessitating that he return there again. He's been plagued with many illnesses and medical conditions his whole life. I fear that his body is starting to give out - maybe, maybe not. This video has helped me to accept whatever is to come in God's providential plan. I am also sorry that Randy had negative experiences with Church during his life. I've only ever had positive ones, and even if I didn't, I know my faith doesn't rest on what others may or may not do. I am also presently finding trust and confidence in my Church during this time as well. God bless, everyone.
I have been thinking a lot about my mom & dad lately…I believe your testimony made a connection with me. My name is Donna, my dad an army veteran named John, my moms name is Delores. My granddaughter is Madison. As my dad was passing he had a special angel conversation with his deceased sister Cathy. Tonight I feel so Blessed and comforted that my mom & dad are letting me know they are near. Thank you so much 🙏✝️🕊
We give Glory to God. A beautiful testimony
Wow! God is good! Thanks God! Bbro. Thanks for sharing...To God be the glory!
I am feeling very guilty about my brother’s passing. I think I forgot to unblock his number so he died unable to reach me while at the hospice center. Please pray for me and for my deceased brother Kurt. I hope to be with him in Heaven someday
I believe he received you heart ❤️ felt love. He IS your brother & he knows your heart ❤️ God Bless 🙌 🙏
Paty from Montana
☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️ ☘️
Kurt is not mad at you and is by your side when you need and he loves you very much.
I pray for your peace.
@@leslie5139 How do you know??
@@12vibaba When we pass away all our ill feelings leave us. We don't care about earthly matters anymore. We care about our loved ones still and we help them even though we are no longer earth bound. We can choose who we want to be with in heaven.
Such a moving testimonial. Thank you for blessing me with this story of hope and faith in the eternal home with God.
Yes, Praise God!! God Bless You !!!! 😊❤🙏✌
Hello Rosalie
Thank you so very much for your beautiful testimony. When my brother in law was going thru major heart surgery - he told us that he saw a beautiful garden with beautiful flowers that you don’t even see on earth. He says he told God that he was not ready to die. He lived for 1 year more (though his doctor gave him 3 mths Bec of his prostate cancer). He reconciled with everyone and accepted Jesus. Your testimony has helped me let go of some of the immense guilt that I feel of not taking better care of my parents when they were with me. Thanks
The very definition of grace is that it is not deserved- Jesus did it all and He loves us - completely - we just have to accept that gift
Yes amen!! None of us “deserve” anything but God’s wrath….. but God’s Grace 🥰
Hi when I was young I had pneumonia had a dream of Jesus he came to me and said Fix your ways. I felt his beautiful love and he had his arms out reached for me and smiled. he spoke mental telepathy to me but his love was so immense and beautiful it changed my life.
Thank you for this testimony, my brother just passed away and i really need to hear such words "tell them that i'am ok" , Jesus is the Lord
Jehovah is the sovereign God of the Universe and Jesus is the son and king
Important to know: Whenever someone loses a loved one, it is a natural response to feel guilty. No matter how much you did for them, you always feel like you could have or should have done more or something different. Know this is a natural phenomenon that happens to just about everyone.
@Ellie Wilson thank you for that. I needed to hear that. Thank you!
Thank you needed this so much
Lost my son 20 days ago
Thank you.
Death is a physical manifestation response to sin. Sin being the rejection of God's Holiness. There is nothing natural about it, only a physical deterioration of a body created to be in eternity as a spirit. God did not design humans to die. This is an unnatural state. Son came due to temptation by Satan and humanities lack of trust and faith in the Holiness or complete knowablemess of divinity. Guilt is a part of the grieving process, but we where never built to carry it, an understanding of our position to God and the adjacent resultant shame that goes with that which is our ability to realise how less we are to God's original image of us it is our sense of where we fall short.Yhe blood of Jesus is the answer to both of these positions and therefore Jesus can overcome death in each one of us. And that is our natural God designed state. Once the end of time comes humanity will go either one of two ways heaven or hell. Death will no longer be pertinent because it will be out of the and in eternity.
A perfect example of the value of life! Stranger's working to step up and sacrifice to save a older man's life! Just as it should be! How is it any different with the unborn? It's not! This man's testimony effected so many people an example of how God uses evil for good! Like a ripple effect we will never know how far reaching this is become. Praise God! He is so good! I had a NDE when I was 21 at my car accident. I don't remember a tunnel but the light I'll never forget! I was just suddenly in the light but more than that I was part of the light. I was overwhelmed with love, joy, euphoria, peace, and more alive than ever, unlike anything on earth. Instead of coming to the realization I died, I understood I was more alive than I had ever been before and out of my mouth I declared loudly in celebration, " I'm ALIVE "! I knew Jesus was there but I didn't see angels or Jesus instead I was given a vision of me. I saw me in a beautiful white gown like a royal wedding dress sitting at a old fashioned school desk with parchment paper unrolled dipping a feather quill pen into ink and writing my mother a letter. I remember I told her not to worry about me that we would be together again soon I'm fine things like that then the next thing I know I come back into my body and I'm awakened at the sound of metal being buckled and pulled and torn I smelled cigarette smoke. A man poked his head into the passenger side of the car I was on the floor in the backseat underneath the driver's seat it was literally on top of me and the side of the door was on top of my seat crushing me underneath. I began to cry. He said are you all right? I asked am I going to die? He said no honey you're going to be just fine. That's when I really began to ball my eyes out but I couldn't talk and I couldn't tell him you don't understand mister I don't want to be here I want to be there. Thank you for the story this was a wonderful story! God bless!
@Bobby Raymond northern CA
Beautiful story. I "accidentally" ran across this video. Fascinating! The spirit world seems to work in a multi-purpose way. John gave Randy as well as others validation and confirmation that there is life after death. Those in the spirit world also seem to have a sense of humor. The calling card thing is quite creative of John from Iowa. There are no coincidences.
I once had a nurse give me messages from the other side to give to my parents. It was her gift. She provided undeniable confirmation and validation that the messages were from my step-grandparents. My parents were delighted to get the messages. Then my mother passed away unexpectedly only a few months later. I think it gave her the hope she needed to not be so afraid to go to the other side. Tell Randy I enjoyed hearing him tell of his wonderful experiences. I think the spirit world has made him a conduit too, just like the nurse i met.
Love this story! Beautiful! God is so great! So wonderful! So good! He loves us more than we know! 💕
Powerful testimony. Thank you Randy, from Aotearoa New Zealand. Amen🕊
I had minor surgery I was in a recovery room with a nurse I left my body and I went directly in front of my body, and stood against a wall The woman jumped up and started slapping me. She couldn’t get a response. She ran by me and went through a door, and got a man He worked on my left side and the lady worked on the right side I left the room and got in a tunnel I was laying down in the tunnel , and I was moving very fast. I started to slow down. I went back into the room , and then I got back into my body. The man went back into the other room. I opened my eyes and said to the nurse ‘ That was a rough sleep’
Praise God ! What a great awesome experience in heaven! thank you for sharing this great testimony,I can’t wait. to go home 🙏
The woman in this video has such a beautiful and understanding soul. 😇 🙏
She’s wonderful! Thank you so much. God bless
@@randyschiefer1158 You're a good spirit also Randy 😇. We'll see you in Heaven brother... 🙏
Thanks you made my day. I love being able to hear these testimonies and sharing them is even better. God gets all the glory but I am blessed in the process ❤️
My brother had a similar experience . He also said there was the most beautiful music. He passed about a month later. I think him sharing this experience with my parents helped them get through their grief, Our priest said my brother's love for God was so strong he had never met anyone like him. He was truly our family's special angel.💜🧡💛💚💙💕☘
I keep hearing stories about the beautiful cool is that?!!!
Our Lord Jesus Christ is loving and merciful! Amen
This was quite compelling. It was also comforting and encouraging. This story also says: God is truly in the details.
Thank you for sharing. All stay blessed.
Love your testimony..I never doubt God's love, grace, peace and mercy..nothing or nobody else can compare! He is so awesome..our finite minds struggle but I have had experiences and I know he is very real❤
Wow this is great. He’s the very first guy I’ve ever heard that openly talks about how the church failed him. The church failed me too. But Yeshua never failed me. I’m the only one I know that’s ever heard the voice of Gabriel. It literally saved this miserable life.
People will always fail us but Jesus never will. He still wants us to forgive and be with people. He made us in community.
What was it like? What did he say? 💛
@@bonnie1097 seek Jesus, not angels and Jesus will send you angels to help you. We can interact and partner with angels but ONLY if it is Jesus we are seeking. He won’t let us worship or idolise angels and the angels won’t let that happen either. So if you’re seeking an encounter with them they will stay invisible. If you’re seeking Jesus in all things then you may very well encounter an angel as it’s a common experience amongst those moving in the supernatural.
Dear Randy, thank you for your testimony.
I was captivated from beginning to end.
You are a wonderful and gifted storyteller.
And your sincerity and integrity was shining through every word you said, and in every emotion that your voice and your face reflected.
What a wonderful family you are blessed with.
I shall indeed pass on your story.
My best friend/ my mom, just went home but the emotional ups and downs through her last six months just was so hard for all of us especially me because I could stand the suffering I saw her go through. At her celebration Of Life a women, who I did not know, said she kept asking God why did this take so long for her to go Home? (my same question)The Lord told her” her room Was not ready for Her” I took with a grain of salt until your testimony of your room “Not being ready “ It gives meMore comfort of its Gods timing not ours. 😊
My mom just died too. Lord help me. Need prayers. How do we do it?
Yes it is.🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏❤🙏
@@susancrittenden1559 We don’t do it alone. We need Him, one day at a time. One minute sometimes.
I was in the hospital 12 years ago and my heart acted up during a procedure. During that night (before waking up in ICC), I had a recurring vision (3-5 times, not sure). I saw a field of yellow flowers which seemed to be in another dimension. Three of my deceased friends were there enjoying the flowers. They didn’t acknowledge me, except during one ( only one) of the visions, the one who had died the day before came to the edge where my body was appearing from a dark hole into this dimension and said, “Linda, what are you doing here?” Before I could answer, she turned away and I sensed someone had told her (nonverbally) that she could not speak to me as it might influence my decision. I knew that if I were to step up into that field and that dimension that I would die. I really wanted to stay. It was so peaceful. The vision would end. I also had a vision (one time only) that I was speaking nonverbally with Jesus. He was in the distance and it was white all around us. No one else was there. I told him (telepathically) that I really wanted to stay but there were two things specifically (which we discussed) that I had to go back to earth to accomplish. He agreed that I should go back and that I would complete those things. This was all discussed telepathically and took no time at all. When I awoke in ICC, I knew that I would not die (though the doctors were all surprised when I did not). I remained in ICC for 5 more days, remaining in the hospital for 39 days total. Doctors and others were amazed that I survived, but it was no surprise to me. I expected to die once I accomplished those two things a few years later because that was all the time I asked for, but God has not taken me yet. I do not fear death (never have) as I’ve been a Christian for many years. I get excited about the idea of getting to heaven one day. What a glorious day that will be-graduation day from earth to heaven.
God is good!
Halleluyah! Amen!
Ever person is appointed once to die,but Heaven awaits us when that time if called by God
Praise God, what a story.
Thank you for listening. Please help to share my story.
THANK YOU for this channel. I’ve never heard of it, only stumbled on it by accident. It intrigued me when I heard you mention after death experience and Randy was absolutely believable! This was so comforting to listen to and I could completely relate to his background. I’m going to try to follow this channel from now on. I appreciate your prayer at the end too💕
What a beautiful testimony, thank you so much for sharing .
Thank you for listening. Please help to share my journey. Randy
I can see you have a glow of peace and calm Randy, you have touched my heart
❤thank you
Thank you, Randy for such an amazing testimony. We are all the same. Not one of us deserves God's forgiveness and grace. One of my favorite songs sums it up beautifully. Amazing Grace how sweet the sound. That saved a wretch like me.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you all for watching. Please help me share my journey.
Saved by His grace
@@randyschiefer1158 Randy God bless you and thank you for the peace you placed in my soul. I am also always freaked out by death, scared i would wind up in a bad place forever. All i know is that ONLY THE BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST can save me, and it is not by my works or anything i have done to receive such a great reward. Still, we all have fear of the UNKOWN
My boyfriend of 18 years waas put on a very strong drug for Parkinson. This caused severe depression and anxiety while on that drug. Killed himself on 09-14- 22. I am suffering severe depression now. I miss him everyday.
I’m so sorry for your loss 😢 Depression and anxiety is very real. Pray 🙏🏽 that God comforts you and reminds of you of things worth living for ❤
Wow!!!! Amazing experience!! My Dad died at 44 in 1969 of a massive heart attack. I was 14, a few months later I had a near death experience. Thanks for sharing.
I imagine that near death experience might have saved you from experiencing extra grief in your life.
@@lorimav yes, I agree. Thanks for responding. I did have a massive stroke at age 50. I learned to walk, read and even drive!!! But I survived! I also survived COVID TWICE!!!! I am now 67 years old!!!!
☝️We're ALL WORTHY❗☝️ That is LOVE of Jesus & God! Blessings 🙏🌟🕊️
Not unless you repent of your sins, confess them, and seek Christ. There are none righteous without Jesus. You must be born again.
We are NOT worthy.....
That's the whole point of the gift of grace. You aren't entitled to it.
@@my1vice ☝️well, check out all vids with people with NDE👉 near death experiences❗Atheist, non believers, etc... They're all telling about meeting Jesus, their feelings of not worthy & Jesus still surrounded them with LOVE & FORGIVNES💓 many of them were shown that more then 2000 years of "not worthy" programming is bs..😲 @Perry Miller & all, look up Nanci Danison & her life story.. She, as well as many with NDE, didn't have a chance to repent❗☝️ Why reapet 2000 y old doctrine that is used to surpress folks? 😲🤔 Love 💓 & light 🌟 to all! 🙏🌟🕊️
@@my1vice amen. God is so full of grace and mercy.
Awesome thanks so much for your story I also got to go to heaven to visit my father when I was twenty seven years old and I didn't have to die or go in a coma to travel to heaven I'm so glad I got to have this experience
Me?!?! What I ever do?!?! Man you are a retired homicide detective who loves his family and saved so many souls by being a limbo in the other side.
God bless you!!
Thank you Nataly. You’re very kind. God bless.
@@randyschiefer1158 You are very welcome. Thank you for your testimony it really touched me.
Thank you!
God is grace. We never deserve this grace or his mercy - that’s the nature of grace! But the Lord knew Randy and that he would use his testimony to lead others to him! This was always in Randy’s book of life - it was his destiny. Our God is so good!
Randy you are worthy because you are a son of God and he loves you - it is not about what you have ever done. The things you have done are wonderful and these will equate to rewards in heaven BUT as St. Paul said ‘our righteousness is as filthy rags’. We are not worthy not one of us! But he loved us so much he sent his son to die for us!
His purpose for you you are fulfilling! God bless you.
Randy idk why but was crying so hard. It’s an amazing miracle
No one deserves His grace!
It was a different testimony…
so great to hear a father & husband talk in such a kind way about his girls & wife. Enjoyed his sincerity… very touching. A man is even more of a man when he can share his emotions. Keep sharing… when you’re done, they will keep you. You’re a Keeper!
To God be all the Glory for the things he has done
Amen! Thank you Mark
Amen! God is good!
@@janicebradsher8728 all the time he is good.
You are a miracle! My husband and daughter went to heaven a day apart of Covid.
It’s a blessing to know they’re in heaven, but those are very hard losses. I’m so sorry. God bless you. ❤️🙏🏻
How devastating for you! My heart aches for you! Please know they are in a better place and that they are watching over you.
Oh my goodness I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I am glad we have the comfort of heaven and Jesus, and I am asking him to comfort you now. Blessings
I love the details and chronology of how amazingly complicated God's plan was for you and your family - how He worked it all out together. It's true; I know that I don't deserve what God has blessed me with either. It's wonderful!
Thank you for your kind words. Please help me share my journey.
Saved by His grace
My much loved brother, a marine vet, died after enduring 6-weeks of covid in Oct - Nov 2020. He also was on an ECMO machine but covid destroyed his lungs. He was in a 6-bed ICU area - I am not sure if any survived. His daughter dreamed he said he was in/ or was going to a beautiful place with many flowers. Many parallels between Randy's story and my brother's. Ms. Julie's prayer at the end touched me - thank you.
Thanks for the kind feedback. I am sorry for your loss, but what a blessing to have a dream of him walking in a heavenly place with flowers. Blessings!
Thank you for hosting this and the prayers at the end - I can’t wait to go to the website now that I know about it ! 😊
GRACE Sir Respectfully Thank You for your Service . So grateful to hear your Testimony... Hallelujah Thanks LORD
Thank you for sharing this beautiful 😻 video! My late mom have had a very similar experience when she was in the hospital and had an outer body experience that she flew back to our home 🏡 and saw all of the family and waking back to consciousness.
Grace of the Angeles, Miracle happens to everyone who believes, Amen ❤️🩹💜
What a BEAUTIFUL testimony , I just want to hug him, God bless EVERYONE that BLESSED him , PRAISE GOD FOR THE VICTORY. I work in the operating room and I know exactly everything his body had gone thru with blood pumps hook ups and etc… that he explained..GOD IS GOOD! AMEN!
Yes Amen praise the lord bless your family 👪 🙏 🙌 ❤
This is the BEST explanation of Heaven that I've ever heard. ❤
Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal it if it’s God’s will. Love your testimony.
Thank you both for this beautiful video! This gentleman is so kind and gentle and he is not even aware of it. When asking who he was and what he's done to deserve all these blessings I knew right away that's due to his amazing gratitude, I believe he was born grateful and lived his whole life gratefully! Sir, that's such a rare gift and you are such a rare person, so be blessed and teach people how to appreciate what comes our way, is like teaching how to love and that's all that meters! Thank you! ❤