God, Jenny is such a... Ughh. There's always that ONE character that every time shows up on screen, you go: "Oh great, and now this..." And you keep doing it just for the sake of doing it. It's a battle of endurance for me with characters like this one. Curiosity, pushing the story forward, or just HOPING that things will get better are some of the primary reasons why you keep bothering with them. When she shows up, I always frown a little and expect her to annoy or piss me off somehow. I just wait.
She is such a goddamn MESS. Roxxy comes a good second place. Really, not just a WHORE, but an insufferable, shit for brain, parasitic CUNT. She's like a blood infection. A turbo BITCH, she treats the MC like absolute DOGSHIT, it really pisses me off. I feel sorry for the guy because he had to LIVE with her. Nothing you do with her will make her stop acting like a pissy little cunt, nothing. You just can't get it right.
I thought completing her route will change her behavior which reminds me of that certain scenario where the one who hates your guts from the start, becomes the one or one of those who loves you the most in the end, to the point of obsession really. Aggressive even, just to get a piece of you. Happened with Roxxy, but I never got interested in Roxxy in the first place. I wanted that change from JENNY. If it was up to me, I'd turn her down FLAT, maybe humiliate her somehow or KEEP humiliating her throughout the game since Roxxy treated the MC like a disease from the beginning like you would expect from someone like this idiot. She changed in the end, she got off easy, REALLY easy, but changed nonetheless. So I tolerate her. Jenny? Nope, not this one, still the rabid goat like she was from the start.
I'd really like for Jenny to change her behavior towards the MC, down the road but I doubt that will happen since her route is done.
Jenny was a cunt then, a cunt now, I'm afraid Jenny will be a cunt FOREVER

Which reminds me, how do you get that scene where she sneaks into your room at night when you're sleeping? Was that random, or you need to do certain stuff for it to trigger? It happened to me after I completed her route, I think.
Because once it happens, I'm gonna say NO, I wanna turn her down FLAT

. It will give me much more satisfaction than having her being a bitch before sex, during sex AND after. To reject the self-proclaimed "24 year old sex GODDESS". Cause I think I'm done with her. I've had enough of her constant, puffed up, arrogant BITCH attitude. Fucking mad goat. If there was a point in the story where Jenny leaves the house and is not seen again, she will NOT be missed. The MC will be left in peace and I won't have to worry for her popping up on my screen.