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Reviews for "Super Retarded Dog #001"


Haha, I loved it.

Theme song would have been better at the end, because it went on and on, and I was actually about to close the window. It would have been good to be shown as credits were rolling down the screen?

Anyway, nice job. 9/10


this is just as funnny as the retarded animal babaies.omg you made the dog the perfect look.i love the way he ran,his passion of cathing rabbits,his memory,and the theme song.You need to put more storyline though into the reatded dog series. Anyway make more and i will continue to watch your further flash videos.

Super Retarded Dog rules everything

Very Napolean Dynamite influenced but bloody funny nonetheless. I want to see a series of this! DO IT! ...DO IT NOW!!


Definatly needs to be a series. The characters are very well drawn. No real complaints, although the story was a little short and not much background.

that ........WAS.........awsome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that had to be one of the most hilarious things i have ever seen