This was my favorite and still is, huu wimbo umenikumbusha mbali sana! Mikindani, sisemi kitu!. Ally B we need more of this type of songs. Ki Giriama kitamu kweli!
I love looking at how other people live in different parts of the world. Please continue to post and I will watch, I promise. The rhymytic music is fantastic.
hi dear i have a question if you may answer .how do you know its mjikenda? is that tone of music starting dadam dadam dadam dam dam sth that play is? because i make music i like to know and u know itsnot his ....and if you answeri be happy because i need an mijikenda answer
Wangapi wamerudi hapa RIP LEGEND
So sad😢
Our own Kenyan...😢😢😢rest easy champ
Soo sad 😢😢
My favourite song... Ndimi Kadzo...! Rest in Power Legend.
Love song from mijkenda.
Tunda langu la roho n wewe2❤❤❤❤❤ nakupenda nakulike naku love nakumind
Rest in peace legend, you've left a legacy in the art industry
This was my favorite and still is, huu wimbo umenikumbusha mbali sana! Mikindani, sisemi kitu!. Ally B we need more of this type of songs. Ki Giriama kitamu kweli!
Ukweli tena, nakumbuka nikiwa majengo kanamai
😂😂😂nikiwa dj
Am a proud mijikenda. Keep the flame burning ali B.
RIP Ally B. Mungu ailaze roho yako mahali pema peponi
I love looking at how other people live in different parts of the world. Please continue to post and I will watch, I promise. The rhymytic music is fantastic.
N'chilala kadzoo nakuotaota Santaaa Ali.b. itabidi uende kaloleni sasa ukamtafute kadzo.
Si boribo si kishikio si zafarani wala apple mango, my best music ever
Waaa....hii song imenikumbusha mbali sana....them days at Jomvu- majengo mpya
R I p jembe letu Aliy B mungu ayilaze roho Yako mahali pema peponi.
kadzooooooooo....hahaaa Ali B baby....
Huuwimbo wanikumbusha kenyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Ali B, circling back my childhood. Rest in peace brother
rip legend. u will always be remembered
Rest in peace legends, forever in our hearts ❤
tunda langu la roho😅😅😅Ali B king wa Mombasa I say
Chidau 😍uko juu nice song
2021, still watching ally b baby🤣🤣🤣gonga like tukisonga
loved this song back then while at work in Kisauni...made me go numb...!
RIP Ally B. TBT to those days I. Marafa listening to hii song weeeh. My nickname was Kadzo given by mama wa maziwa.
yani ata 15 yrs ago madem tulikuwa hivi ........truly people don't change just the tactics get more advanced
Nakupenda naku like naku love mimi naku mindi😍😍😍
Dodo langu dodo langu nipani mwenye wai😂😂😂😂😂😂 am proud to be a mijikenda girl big up tsawee
Betty lozie iam proud to be amijikenda tena kwa raha zangu
joleen masha Hamwenga saana dedee au sio
Nikweli kanzo wanites
2019 gonga like
Hii nadhan n ya 2002
😢😢😢Aki bado siamini Ally b ndo kashatangulia hivo mmmh ama kweli duniani tunapita.
RIP our great will forever remain in our hearts.
RIP LEGEND nimekaa nikakumbuka hii nyimbo
Rest in eternal Peace Ali B, your songs inspired and will inspire more.
Rest in Peace Legend
Dama ulimuona kadzo 😢😭
My favourite song 2006
Rest in peace ALLY B
Still watching 2024,rip legend
Am proud to be a giriama n to hv the name kadzo
Haha yenyewe lkn
Kadzo wanakuaga wazuri walai
Nikupe my contact ama ulifaulu
are you the same Kadzo the song is all about?
Nakulaiki, nakumaindi wee hapo sasa
good nice song,, one could repeat severally
hehehe nikilala nakuwazawaza kadzoo👫👍
My all time song for Ali B may his soul rest in peace
Rest easy legend
Proud 2be miji_kenda
Mijikenda hoyeee kuratu msambwe like kama zoteee 2018
Najivunia kua mgiriama 2021 march bado tupo🥰🥰🥰
Nyimbo inanikumbusha mbali. Mariakani,Njoro 💝💝💝
Ulikuwa ukienda disco vumbi
Rest in peace Legend
RIP Ally our legend proud mijikenda
Inauma sana! R.I.P Legend.
This is one of my favorite song.
Love it keep dat spirit Ally B
Mmi bado Niko apa 🤣🤣🤣
Legends never die,,,may u rest in peace 🙏
Rest in sad
Rip ally b mungu aiweke roho yako pema peponi
Ali b💃💃💃💃💃
Who's watching kadzo at this moment, Ally B mbona ya kijeshijeshi hukuieka hapa
😂 Am Kadzo watching kadzo 😂
Tunda langu la roho ni wewe tu ..... still rocking in my bones 👌👌
Mziki mzuri sana
I just remember going to watch this in video shows back in 2008😢😢😢
Highway way mama highway hehehehe ama na aiiii we mama aiiii we??
I LOVE ORIGINALITY in this song. ALI B pliz don't shun this style is great.
I like this Ali B
Kwan mpka xx kadzo bdo hujarudi.......😂😂😂😂
Sijui 😂😂
RIP LEGEND tutakumbka Sana kwa kaz zako
Nice song big up still new@ally B l like this language
I still feel the song 🥰
Wow miss this culture Hu gonna take me
2006 and here we are 2023
pumzks kwa aman ndugu mpenzi😭😭😭💔
Rest easy legend
i still remember the relics
I was hoping for clip ya "Kalume" but now he gone....Rest In Peace big man
mziki mnene.
Rip Aly B
2020 .I love my mijikenda people
Rest easy legend 😢😢
Rest in peace, hili goma lako lilivuma sana ,until we meet again
♥️🥰wea my giriama people ata??
Rest in Peace legend ❤
R.I.P to him😢
Mbele yake nyuma yetu
Kitambo sana duuh
ShutterDe DON shutterman
Hii ndo identity ya coast ikienda international i believe itauza sana ......🤣 tunda langu la roho
Kama bado warudia hii ngoma yamanisha ilikuwa noma sana na iliku touch kama original is rich
Still my favorite ❤️❤️❤️
Proud to be a mijikenda
Am proud to be A mijikenda
hi dear i have a question if you may answer .how do you know its mjikenda? is that tone of music starting dadam dadam dadam dam dam sth that play is? because i make music i like to know and u know itsnot his ....and if you answeri be happy because i need an mijikenda answer
The language is a Mijikenda language even the dress code itself can tell you more
I love that song
ally b ijulu
Like that tuh
Izo siku simu ilikua taabu balaa..
Oh my god I didn't know he died. Wah. Hasara hii
I like that
Kumbe tumerud wengi Rip legends
Back to 2003🤔🤔🤔
love dis song dearly
My favourite really
Them days...
Akii inauma Rest in peace Legend
namala niudownload uu wira tseee
Rip legend we loved u but God loved u most big upp
R.i.p Ally B forever in our hearts
Hapo chacha 《Ally B》
Rip legend 😢
I remember dem days in utange
Yani nyimbo ilivuma hii
Huu hadi leo haushi utamu